
Civil Drafters

prepare drawings and topographical and relief maps used in civil engineering projects, such as highways, bridges, pipelines, flood control projects, and water and sewerage control systems.
Associate’s degree
Personality Match

Interest Match

Civil Engineers

perform engineering duties in planning, designing, and overseeing construction and maintenance of building structures and facilities, such as roads, railroads, airports, bridges, harbors, channels, dams, irrigation projects, pipelines, power plants, and water and sewage systems.
Bachelor’s degree
Strong job growth
High job satisfaction
Personality Match

Interest Match

Transportation Engineers

develop plans for surface transportation projects, according to established engineering standards and state or federal construction policy. Prepare designs, specifications, or estimates for transportation facilities. Plan modifications of existing streets, highways, or freeways to improve traffic flow.
Bachelor’s degree
Strong job growth
High job satisfaction
Personality Match

Interest Match


Rebeca Sena from A private office
Marvin Flax from OBM International
3 reviews
plan and design structures, such as private residences, office buildings, theaters, factories, and other structural property.
Bachelor’s degree
Strong job growth
High job satisfaction
Personality Match

Interest Match

Landscape Architects

Josh Daniel from Cooper Carry
1 reviews
plan and design land areas for projects such as parks and other recreational facilities, airports, highways, hospitals, schools, land subdivisions, and commercial, industrial, and residential sites.
Bachelor’s degree
Strong job growth
High job satisfaction
Personality Match

Interest Match

Energy Auditors

Michael Callahan from Comfort 1st Insulation
Allen Shuford from The Switch
2 reviews
conduct energy audits of buildings, building systems, or process systems. May also conduct investment grade audits of buildings or systems.
Post-secondary certificate
High job satisfaction
Personality Match

Construction Managers

Jeff Becka from A fence installation company
Teresa Oquendo from AVIVV, a professional services engineering firm in San Diego serving the utility and energy sector
Matthew E. Bero from Graycor Industrial Constructors Inc.
10 reviews
plan, direct, or coordinate, usually through subordinate supervisory personnel, activities concerned with the construction and maintenance of structures, facilities, and systems. Participate in the conceptual development of a construction project and oversee its organization, scheduling, budgeting, and implementation. Includes managers in specialized construction fields, such as carpentry or plumbing.
Bachelor’s degree
Strong job growth
High job satisfaction
Personality Match