Should I Become a Transportation Manager (One Minute Quiz)

Stan T.Career, QuizLeave a Comment

Career Quiz and Most Suitable Personality

Transportation Managers

Transportation Managers plan, direct, or coordinate the transportation operations within an organization or the activities of organizations that provide transportation services.

Becoming One
Bachelor's degree
Job Satisfaction
Job Growth


Career Quiz

In this career quiz, there are 10 questions that will give you a pretty good perspective on whether the career of a Transportation Manager is right for you.

There are 3 answers to each question: Dislike, Okay and Like.

Answer “Dislike” if you tell yourself “Ugh… Sounds boring” or “I’m not sure”
Answer “Okay” if you tell yourself “Umm… I think I will be okay with that”
Answer “Like” if you tell yourself “Yes, I’m interested”

Ready? Let’s start

Question Dislike Okay Like
You are interested in principles and methods for moving people or goods by air, rail, sea, or road, including the relative costs and benefits.
You are interested in business and management principles involved in strategic planning, resource allocation, human resources modeling, leadership technique, production methods, and coordination of people and resources.
Plan, organize, or manage the work of subordinate staff to ensure that the work is accomplished in a manner consistent with organizational requirements.
Direct activities related to dispatching, routing, or tracking transportation vehicles, such as aircraft or railroad cars.
You like starting up and carrying out projects.
You like leading people and making many decisions. You don’t mind risk taking and dealing with business.
You like following set procedures and routines.
You like working with data and details more than with ideas.
You like work that includes practical, hands-on problems and solutions.
You like working with plants, animals, and real-world materials like wood, tools, and machinery.

Your Results


Now count how many points you have.
Dislike = 0 point.
Okay = 1 point.
Like = 2 points.

After you’re done counting your points. Click below to view your results.

Suitable Personality

Best personality for this career

The Entrepreneurs and The Organizers

People who are suitable for this job tends to like starting up and carrying out projects. They like leading people and making many decisions. Sometimes they require risk taking and often deal with business.

They also like following set procedures and routines. They like working with data and details more than with ideas.

You can read more about these career personality types here.

Typical Day

Transportation Managers plan, direct, or coordinate the transportation operations within an organization or the activities of organizations that provide transportation services..

Here is what a typical day’s work for a Transportation Manager looks like:

  • Plan, organize, or manage the work of subordinate staff to ensure that the work is accomplished in a manner consistent with organizational requirements.
  • Direct activities related to dispatching, routing, or tracking transportation vehicles, such as aircraft or railroad cars.
  • Monitor operations to ensure that staff members comply with administrative policies and procedures, safety rules, union contracts, environmental policies, or government regulations.
  • Serve as contact persons for all workers within assigned territories.
  • Implement schedule or policy changes for transportation services.

Find out more about what Transportation Managers do at work.

Learn more about Transportation Managers

Job Description
Quiz (You are here)

Related to Transportation Managers Quiz

Transportation Managers quiz, should i become a Transportation Manager, is Transportation Managers suitable for me, do i want to be a Transportation Manager, Transportation Managers personality test

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