Brand Manager – Tessla Goodwin

Stan T.Leave a Comment

Day in the life of
Brand Manager – Tessla Goodwin

Tessla Goodwin
Brand Manager

First, I will approve the posts that our Social Coordinator created for our Instagram and make any necessary edits. Then, I will put in some mailer requests for the week with our design team, write the copy and make sure the other team leads approve the photo content. Next, I will approve any new product titles or descriptions that need to be uploaded into Shopify. After that, I will meet with the rest of my team to discuss and plan upcoming influencer collaborations, festival takeovers and partnerships, and marketing plans for our product collection launches.


The pros are that I work for a brand that I am extremely passionate about, so although work might get busy, there are rarely projects I need to do that I don’t enjoy. I also get to touch every piece of marketing for the brand and have a say in most of the creative we present to our customers. I oversee all the content that gets pushed out on our marketing channels from Instagram to Tik Tok, SMS, email + more.

I also get to attend festivals with my team where we do an Instagram story takeover, meet up with our influencers, and get content for upcoming launches and Facebook Ads. It is really hectic but also extremely fun.


The only con is that I am in charge of overseeing so many aspects that it is sometimes hard to stay on top of everything! I manage our social media strategy, influencer roster of 700+ people, email campaigns, festival promotions, as well as manage some of our other team members. I have to set up a lot of checks and balances to ensure that I do not miss anything because things will not get sent out or posted without my approval.

Advice to aspiring Brand Managers

My number one piece of advice is to make your passion your profession. I majored in Public Relations and minored in Visual Culture. Public Relations gave me a broad enough education that I could use and apply in any industry. The Visual Culture minor allowed me to explore film, photography, and art. My passion was fashion and it was the closest I could get to it at my school. Because there were no fashion classes, I joined the Fashion Industry Association club on campus and became president by my senior year. I also created and became the Fashion Editor of our online school publication. This allowed me to apply for press passes to fashion week in college and I attended both LA & London fashion events. I also had 3 fashion internships in college – one at a PR agency, one at a PR showroom, and one at Vivienne Westwood.

After I graduated, I already had tons of fashion experience and was able to get a job working for a sunglasses company. At that time I was attending festivals every weekend and it took me a while to figure out how to incorporate that into my job. I started doing freelance styling for small festival brands and writing about festival fashion for Fest 300. When a job at iHeartRaves opened up about 4 years ago, I already had tons of experience in the field because I created opportunities for myself.

Tessla Goodwin
Brand Manager
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Brand Managers

A Brand Manager is a marketing professional who specializes in building brand awareness and improving the reputation of brands. They may help develop marketing initiatives, advertising spots, and PR releases.

Salary: $89800
Salary Rank: A
Education: Bachelor's degree
Suitable Personality: The Leader

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