
Vehicle Inspectors

Lee Silsby from A car servicing and repair company
1 reviews
inspect and monitor transportation equipment, vehicles, or systems to ensure compliance with regulations and safety standards.
No degree required
Strong job growth
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Auto Technicians

Giselle Cortez from Ford Dealership
2 reviews
repair only one system or component on a vehicle, such as brakes, suspension, or radiator.
Post-secondary certificate
Strong job growth
Personality Match

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Automotive Service Managers

Mike Skoropad from United Tires
1 reviews
Automotive Service Managers oversee the service department at auto dealerships and body shops. They are responsible for hiring, training, and managing the staff.
Personality Match

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Car Designers

Car designers are instrumental in designing the appearance, the style, and the ergonomic and aerodynamic features of automobiles. They have artistic skills that help them along with their knowledge of the mechanics, the materials, and the production of cars. They are important in this process of making new cars.
Bachelor’s degree
Personality Match

Interest Match