Demonstrators and Product Promoters: Salary, Job Description, How To Become One, and Quiz

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Demonstrators and Product Promoters

Demonstrators and Product Promoters demonstrate merchandise and answer questions for the purpose of creating public interest in buying the product. May sell demonstrated merchandise.

Becoming One
No degree required
Job Satisfaction
Job Growth


Job description

Demonstrators and Product Promoters demonstrate merchandise and answer questions for the purpose of creating public interest in buying the product. May sell demonstrated merchandise.

  • Provide product samples, coupons, informational brochures, or other incentives to persuade people to buy products.
  • Sell products being promoted and keep records of sales.
  • Keep areas neat while working and return items to correct locations following demonstrations.
  • Demonstrate or explain products, methods, or services to persuade customers to purchase products or use services.
Read more about what does a Demonstrator and Product Promoter really do at work and what is it like being and working as one.


Average salary
$33260 per year

Average hourly wage
$16 per hour

Demonstrators and Product Promoters with little to no experience tend to make between $20610 and $23610 while the more experienced ones can earn over $39720 per year.

Top 5 paying states Hourly Annual
AZ $19 $38,660
MA $19 $38,560
NH $18 $38,420
NY $18 $37,430
NJ $18 $36,820

One of the easiest ways to increase your salary as a Demonstrator and Product Promoter is to move to a higher paying state like AZ. Right now, the highest paying states for Demonstrators and Product Promoters are AZ, MA, NH, NY and NJ.

However, a higher pay at AZ doesn’t guarantee that you will make more because the living expenses at AZ might be twice as high than where you are currently at now.

Three other factors that can increase your salary as a Demonstrator and Product Promoter is the degree you hold, the industry you work in, and lastly the company you work for.


Recommended degree level
No degree required

We asked other Demonstrators and Product Promoters what degree they had when they got the job and most of them said they had a High School Diploma followed by less than a High School Diploma.

Other than that, we also asked them what did they major in and here are the most popular majors that came up.

Retailing and Retail Operations
Read more about how to become a Demonstrator and Product Promoter and the degree, training and education you need.

Pros and Cons

Here are some of the pros and cons of being a Demonstrator and Product Promoter.

Suitable for people who likes to start and carry out projects
Suitable for people who values relationships between co-workers and customers and wants to work in a friendly non-competitive environment
It is easy to get into this career. Some previous work-related skill, knowledge, or experience is required to get started.
Demand for this career is growing very fast
Not suitable for people who likes to solve problems mentally
One of the lowest paying jobs

What is the job like

Job satisfaction

Is this job meaningful

63% of Demonstrators and Product Promoters said they were satisfied with their job and 42% said they feel like their job is making other people’s lives better.

Marcia Cripps

I was a product promoter/demonstrator for Nissan during auto shows, Ferrari during Ferrari One Challenge, in-store wine/spirits demos, and misc. department store products.

It would check in with whoever was leading the project and counting inventory when you got to the location. The task that takes the most time is counting up inventory and setting up the area you will be presenting.

After setting up the day usually consists of interacting with customers and showing samples of the product. Not always, but sometimes you get incentivized with a quota. Usually, there’s a prize to be given away. Most jobs ask for you to take photos with customers or the winner to record that you have done the tasks you’ve been asked to do.

The day ends with counting the leftover inventory, breaking down the station you set up, and packing/sending back the inventory at a local post office.


Pays well around $25-$400/ hour and has perks such as travel/lodging covered and sometimes a makeup/hair artist. “Fun” jobs with unique opportunities.


Inconsistent work. Don’t always know when you’re getting paid.

Is this right for me

Best personality for this career
The Entrepreneurs and The Organizers

You can read more about these career personality types here.

People who are suitable for this job tends to like starting up and carrying out projects. They like leading people and making many decisions. Sometimes they require risk taking and often deal with business..

They also like following set procedures and routines. They like working with data and details more than with ideas.

Learn more about Demonstrators and Product Promoters

Summary (You are here)
Job Description

Related career information

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