What Do Advertising and Promotions Managers Do (including Their Typical Day At Work)

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Job Description, Daily Responsibilities, and Work Life

Advertising Managers

Advertising Managers plan, direct, or coordinate advertising policies and programs or produce collateral materials, such as posters, contests, coupons, or giveaways, to create extra interest in the purchase of a product or service for a department, an entire organization, or on an account basis.

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Job Description

Job Description

Advertising and Promotions Managers plan, direct, or coordinate advertising policies and programs or produce collateral materials, such as posters, contests, coupons, or give-aways, to create extra interest in the purchase of a product or service for a department, an entire organization, or on an account basis. They also plan and prepare advertising and promotional material to increase sales of products or services, working with customers, company officials, sales departments, and advertising agencies.

Other tasks include:

  • Inspect layouts and advertising copy and edit scripts, audio and video tapes, and other promotional material for adherence to specifications.
  • Assist with annual budget development.
  • Confer with department heads or staff to discuss topics such as contracts, selection of advertising media, or product to be advertised.
  • Manage sales team including setting goals, providing incentives, and evaluating employee performance.
  • Coordinate with the media to disseminate advertising.
  • Coordinate activities of departments, such as sales, graphic arts, media, finance, and research.

We asked Advertising and Promotions Managers how satisfied they are with their job. Here is what they said.

Job satisfaction


How meaningful is this job


69% of them said they were satisfied with their job and 30% said they find that their job makes the world a better place or helps to make someone else’s life better.

Typical Day At Work

On a daily basis, Advertising and Promotions Managers plan and execute advertising policies and strategies for organizations. They direct, motivate, and monitor the mobilization of a campaign team to advance campaign goals.

A typical day for an Advertising and Promotions Manager will also include:

  • Contact organizations to explain services and facilities offered.
  • Coordinate activities of departments, such as sales, graphic arts, media, finance, and research.
  • Plan and prepare advertising and promotional material to increase sales of products or services, working with customers, company officials, sales departments, and advertising agencies.
  • Inspect layouts and advertising copy and edit scripts, audio and video tapes, and other promotional material for adherence to specifications.
  • Confer with department heads or staff to discuss topics such as contracts, selection of advertising media, or product to be advertised.

We asked some Advertising and Promotions Managers a few questions to find out what else does their work day look like. Here is what we found.

Do you have telephone conversations everyday in this job? 100% said yes
How important is it to work in a team in this job? 46% said very important
Do you have group discussions everyday in this job? 56% said yes
Do you talk or work with customers everyday in this job? 44% said yes
Do you have to deal with angry customers everyday in this job? 1% said yes
Do you have to make decisions everyday in this job? 51% said yes

Other responsibilities

Besides their typical day, Advertising and Promotions Managers also monitor and analyze sales promotion results to determine cost effectiveness of promotion campaigns. They may also consult publications to learn about conventions and social functions and to organize prospect files for promotional purposes.

On a weekly to monthly basis, Advertising and Promotions Managers Read trade journals and professional literature to stay informed on trends, innovations, and changes that affect media planning. They might also Formulate plans to extend business with established accounts and to transact business as agent for advertising accounts.

In addition, they Prepare budgets and submit estimates for program costs as part of campaign plan development.

Although specific duties may vary, many of them Direct and coordinate product research and development.

To some Advertising and Promotions Managers, it is also their responsibility to Create media notices about events.

Working life

Working hours

More than 40 hours per week

Working schedule

Regular schedule like a 9 to 5

In a typical work week as an Advertising and Promotions Manager, you can expect to work more than 40 hours per week.

Do Advertising and Promotions Managers work in an office-style work environment?

Every day

Once a week

Do Advertising and Promotions Managers work outdoors?

Once a year

Once a month

Is this right for me

Best personality for this career

The Entrepreneurs and The Artists

People who are suitable for this job tends to like starting up and carrying out projects. They like leading people and making many decisions. Sometimes they require risk taking and often deal with business..

They also like working with forms, designs and patterns. They often require self-expression and the work can be done without following a clear set of rules.

You can read more about these career personality types here.

Learn more about Advertising Managers

Job Description (You are here)

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Advertising and Promotions Managers job description, what do Advertising and Promotions Managers do, typical day for Advertising and Promotions Managers, what is it like to work as an Advertising and Promotions Manager, how many hours do Advertising and Promotions Managers work, day to day work of an Advertising and Promotions Manager

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