Filmmaker – C.M. Conway

Stan T.Leave a Comment

Day in the life of
Filmmaker – C.M. Conway

C.M. Conway

My title is indie filmmaker, which includes being a director, executive producer, screenwriter, and editor. It’s not unusual for filmmakers to have multi-hypenate titles, as they have to wear many hats.

I spent years in Hollywood, producing independent, multimedia storytelling programs. One was acquired for years with Audible. My independent feature film for the whole family in the last stage of post-production is entitled “How to Successfully Fail in Hollywood.” It’s a fun, quintessential outsider’s guide inside Hollywood, filled with ‘how not to’ tips to help those pursuing a career in acting or entertainment in Tinseltown to avoid the pitfalls and pratfalls. Time to unearth the treasure.

My Typical Day

A typical day as an indie filmmaker involves working on the various aspects of your film, depending on the stage it’s in, below. This list includes, but is not limited to:


Make a plan, what are your key goals? Consider the story you want to tell, the genre, and how you want to tell it, in addition to marketing and distribution goals. Research successful indie filmmakers and movies. Find a book/script to produce, and acquire the rights or write an original script / hire a screenwriter. Find funding, investors, apply for grants, and/or crowdfund to raise funds if needed. Reach out for partnerships and nonprofit fiscal sponsorship, if desired. Create a concept trailer to attract funds. Edit or rewrite the script, to make the storytelling airtight and the character development strong.


Hire or acquire crew and cast (attaching talent). Storyboard the script, break down the script into detailed production elements; create the shot list, production schedule, call sheets, film budget and contracts; find music to utilize/license and locations to shoot in. Develop the message, tone, sound, and feel of the movie through the story, music, and sound design. Create the look of the film with key crew members through vision boards; camera choice, digital vs. film elements, composition of shots; narrative choices; production, costume, and sound design. Consider if accommodations for crew and cast are needed, (is it a local or on-location shoot). Organize table read, rehearsals, and meetings with crew and cast. Thoroughly prepare for production, research, and reach out to film mentors or consultants for help if needed. Create contingency plans and social media channels/following, if you haven’t already.


Film the entire movie adhering to aspects outlined in pre-production. Have fun, keep your vision, work as a team and remain flexible and creative while staying on schedule and budget. Expect the unexpected. Always have a Plan B. Wrap party afterwards!


Acquire and learn the elements or find the professionals to edit and render your entire film, including music and sound design. Edit and edit again until every frame of your film flows with your vision, and creates compelling characters and story. Review film with trusted people in your circle for feedback. Edit again if needed.


Execute marketing and distribution plan. Decide if you want to submit to film festivals, directly approach distributors/aggregators, or self-distribute film online. Do your research and decide on the best approach for your film, it could be a combination of choices.


My work is very creative and entrepreneurial. Making a film is like running your own business! You meet interesting and creative people. Making a film is an amazing experience if you’re lucky enough to complete or be a part of one. It’s hard work, but very rewarding. At the end of the day, you’ve created something that contributes to the landscape of cinematic storytelling, whether big or small. You may also make a positive impact on someone’s life. That’s pretty great.


You can receive a lot of rejection and it’s very competitive. But that’s not unusual, it’s the odds of the business as there are many people and films in the industry. The field has also been traditionally male-dominated, but that is changing. As long as you know what you are up against, you are armed with it and can take it in stride. Nobody can replicate you, your unique story, or film. Always remember that.

Advice to aspiring Filmmakers

The advice I would give someone considering a career as an indie filmmaker is first: What story MUST you tell cinematically? The story you need to tell must be irrepressible, to motivate you through all the potential obstacles and challenges you will face. Second: How will you tell this story, and learn all the elements necessary to capture it on film (including delegating key roles). Through a film school? University? Teach yourself?

Filmmaking is a true team effort and not for the faint of heart if you wish to work on a professional level. Start small, with a short film first. Get on a set if you can (if you’ve never been on one before) so you get an idea. Background work can be one way, or as a production assistant.

Also, keep diversity and minorities in mind. It’s very important as a filmmaker to be inclusive and represent the underrepresented in cast and crew.

C.M. Conway
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