Child Care Provider/Assistant

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About this program

A program that prepares individuals to be primary providers of home, family, residential, or institutional-based child care services. Includes instruction in child growth and development, nutrition, recreation, planning and supervision of play and learning activities, child abuse and neglect prevention, parent-child relationships, and applicable legal and administrative requirements.

Career Opportunities

Childcare Workers

attend to children at schools, businesses, private households, and childcare institutions. Perform a variety of tasks, such as dressing, feeding, bathing, and overseeing play.
No degree required
Strong job growth
Personality Match

Related Majors

Apparel and Textiles

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Apparel and Textile Manufacture

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Textile Science

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Fashion and Fabric Consultant

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Work and Family Studies

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Adult Development and Aging

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Family Systems

A program that focuses on the family as a social unit in its developmental, dynamic, comparative, and structural aspects, and the significance of the family as a system that impacts individuals and society. Includes instruction in related principles of sociology, psychology, behavioral sciences, and the humanities.

Child Development

A program that focuses on the intellectual, social, emotional, and biological development of children and the planning and design of related human services. Includes instruction in parent-child relations, parenting practices, special needs of children, parental and environmental influences on child development, external support services, and related public policy issues.

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