Frontend Developer – Elia Lotti

Stan T.

Day in the life of
Frontend Developer – Elia Lotti

Elia Lotti
Frontend Developer

I’m Elia Lotti, working as a Frontend Developer for 3 years, but with more experience with programming in general.

I’m working remotely, so I wake up in the morning and in less than 30 minutes I’m in front of my laptop writing code.

During the workday, I take requirements from other people and turn them into websites or web apps. Sometimes I reject the requirements because they are not feasible. This is the most exciting part of my job 🙂

I enjoy frontend development because I get to work both on user interfaces, and logic.

My main responsibility is to let people that use websites/apps I build, not go mad finding actions (e.g. buttons).

But I have lots of other responsibilities that most users do not know about:

  • Ensure fast performance, even when there are millions of rows in a table
  • Ensure security, mainly preventing XSS attacks
  • Talk to 1 or more backend APIs, which may be difficult while ensuring performance
  • Make the layout responsive
  • Make the UI international: multilingual text, different number/dates formatting, RTL/LTR layouts
  • Ensure accessibility for users with different types of disabilities. This is the most difficult part of my job, you don’t always have a way to really test it


  • You can make people happy by making their work easier
  • You get to work with some advanced technologies
  • You understand how the web works


  • You can make people frustrated
  • You depend on a backend so you may need to wait to build something
  • I work as the only frontend developer, so I feel lonely 🙁
Elia Lotti
Frontend Developer
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Front-End Developers

Front-End Developers are typically required to code the visual user interface for a website or mobile application. They build the “front end” of the project while Back-End Developers handle the coding that goes on behind the scenes.

Salary: $107800
Salary Rank: A
Education: Bachelor's degree
Suitable Personality: The Thinker