Should I Become A Process Engineers (One Minute Quiz)

Alyssa Omandac

Career Quiz and Most Suitable Personality

Process Engineers

Process Engineers Process Engineers study, design, and improve chemical and biochemical processes. They help improve the processes used in manufacturing facilities to transform raw materials into its final form.

Bachelor's degree

Find a job you love and you will never work a day in your life.Confucius

Table of contents
  1. Career Quiz
  2. Suitable Personality Type
  3. Pros and Cons

Career Quiz

In this career quiz, there are 8-10 questions that will give you a pretty good perspective on whether this career is right for you.

There are 3 answers to each question: Dislike, Maybe, and Like.

Answer “Like / Yes” if you tell yourself “Yes! I would love do this” or “Yeah, I’m that type of person”.
Answer “Okay / Maybe” if you tell yourself “Umm…I think I will be okay with that”.
Answer “Dislike / No” if you tell yourself “Ugh…Sounds boring” or “No way!”.

Ready? Let’s start!

Question Yes Maybe No
Would you be interested in learning how to improve manufacturing processes?
Are you curious about a career that involves monitoring and testing equipment?
Would you be interested in learning how to conduct risk assessments?
Do you have the organizational skills needed to work on complex projects?
Do you have the communication skills necessary for explaining instructions to others?
Do you possess the creativity needed to find creative solutions to problems?
Are you interested in exploring how raw materials are converted into new products?
Are you curious about a career that combines chemistry and engineering?

Your Results


Now count how many points you have.

Dislike = 0 point
Okay = 1 point
Like = 2 points

After you’re done counting your points. Click below to view your results.

Suitable Personality Type

The Thinker

People with this personality likes to work with ideas that require an extensive amount of thinking. They prefer work that requires them to solve problems mentally. You can read more about these career personality types here.

Process Engineers are often highly organized individuals, as good organizational skills are necessary for designing new chemical processes. Process Engineers need good communication skills, as they frequently need to explain complex processes to other workers. This job also requires creativity, which helps Process Engineers find solutions for improving processes and producing better products. Process Engineers should also possess curiosity, as curiosity allows them to continually explore new ways to convert raw materials.

Pros and Cons


You May Help Create Better Products

Process Engineers improve products by improving the quality of materials used during manufacturing, which gives consumers more value and makes this job more rewarding.

You May Get to Develop a New Material

Process Engineers are continually updating processes, which occasionally leads to the development of new materials and technologies. Your work may lead to the next breakthrough in plastics or fabrics.

You Can Work in a Variety of Industries

Process Engineers that tire of working in one industry can switch to another, as they are needed in manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, and agriculture.

You Work a Consistent Schedule

Process Engineers often work a set schedule and rarely need to put in overtime, which can make it easier for workers in this profession to maintain a positive work/life balance.


Extensive Training and Education

Process Engineers typically need at least a Bachelor’s Degree and may spend several years working in junior roles before reaching their career goals.

You May Not Find Employment Right Out of College

Process Engineering is a relatively limited field, which can make it difficult for recent college graduates to quickly find work after earning a degree.

Don’t know which career to pursue?

Take the career quiz to find careers that match your personality type.

Take The Career Quiz