Allergists and Immunologists: Salary, Job Description, How To Become One, and Quiz

Stan T.Career, Overview

Allergists and Immunologists

Allergists and Immunologists diagnose, treat, and help prevent allergic diseases and disease processes affecting the immune system.

Becoming One
Very Hard
Doctoral degree
Job Satisfaction
Job Growth

Interest Match

Job description

Allergists and Immunologists diagnose, treat, and help prevent allergic diseases and disease processes affecting the immune system.

  • Diagnose or treat allergic or immunologic conditions.
  • Order or perform diagnostic tests such as skin pricks and intradermal, patch, or delayed hypersensitivity tests.
  • Educate patients about diagnoses, prognoses, or treatments.
  • Develop individualized treatment plans for patients, considering patient preferences, clinical data, or the risks and benefits of therapies.
Read more about what does an Allergist and Immunologist really do at work and what is it like being and working as one.


Average salary
$203880 per year

Average hourly wage
$98 per hour

Allergists and Immunologists with little to no experience tend to make between $60280 and $111440 while the more experienced ones can earn over $208,000 per year.

Top 5 paying states Hourly Annual
NH $133 $275,840
ND $128 $266,510
ME $124 $257,550
MT $119 $247,260
MN $118 $245,040

One of the easiest ways to increase your salary as an Allergist and Immunologist is to move to a higher paying state like NH. Right now, the highest paying states for Allergists and Immunologists are NH, ND, ME, MT and MN.

However, a higher pay at NH doesn’t guarantee that you will make more because the living expenses at NH might be twice as high than where you are currently at now.

Three other factors that can increase your salary as an Allergist and Immunologist is the degree you hold, the industry you work in, and lastly the company you work for.


Recommended degree level
Doctoral degree

We asked other Allergists and Immunologists what degree they had when they got the job and most of them said they had a Post-Doctoral Training followed by a PhD.

Other than that, we also asked them what did they major in and here are the most popular majors that came up.

Osteopathic Medicine/Osteopathy
Aerospace Medicine Residency Program
Allergy and Immunology Residency Program
Child Neurology Residency Program
Read more about how to become an Allergist and Immunologist and the degree, training and education you need.

Pros and Cons

Here are some of the pros and cons of being an Allergist and Immunologist.

Suitable for people who likes to solve problems mentally
Suitable for people who wants recognition and wants career advancement and a prestigious career
This career is perfect for people who love to work indoors.
Demand for this career is growing very fast
Not suitable for people who likes to start and carry out projects
It is very hard to get into this career. Extensive skill, knowledge, and experience is required for this career.

What is the job like

Job satisfaction

Is this job meaningful

74% of Allergists and Immunologists said they were satisfied with their job and 82% said they feel like their job is making other people’s lives better.

Lozenetz University Hospital

I am Dr. Tsvetelina Velikova, MD, PhD, immunologist (specialist in Clinical Immunology) at University Hospital Lozenetz and assistant professor at Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski. What does your typical day at work look like? Usually, we start the day with a brief meeting in the morning discussing the tasks in the laboratory – routine testing, … Read More

New York Allergy & Sinus Centers

Being an Allergist/Immunologist can be quite interesting. We hear a variety of issues from patients and some can be quite perplexing. It can feel like being a detective, trying to use the patient’s signs & symptoms (clues) to properly diagnose them. We do different types of skin testing (for environmental, food, medication, chemical allergies). Sometimes … Read More

Is this right for me

Best personality for this career
The Thinkers and The Helpers

You can read more about these career personality types here.

People who are suitable for this job tends to like working with ideas, and require an extensive amount of thinking. They like searching for facts and figuring out problems mentally..

They also like working with, communicating with, and teaching people. They like helping or providing service to others.

Learn more about Allergists and Immunologists

Summary (You are here)
Job Description

Related career information

Allergists and Immunologists job description, Allergists and Immunologists salary, Allergists and Immunologists information, what is the job of an Allergist and Immunologist like, pros and cons about Allergists and Immunologists, colleges and universities for Allergists and Immunologists, is Allergists and Immunologists the right career for me, careers in Healthcare and Medical

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