Pet Sitter – Marti Garcia

Stan T.

Day in the life of
Pet Sitter – Marti Garcia

Marti Garcia
Pet Sitter
The Pampered Pet Roatan

I am a Professional in-home Pet Sitter. My clients contact me to stay in their homes for specified periods of time. I may be booked from a short weekend to a few months. As an in-home Pet Sitter responsibilities entail everything involved with the home as well as the pets. Pet Sitters must be very discreet and trustworthy. Honesty is of the utmost importance.

If I’m sitting cats along with the dogs the feeding schedule is the same.

I wake up around 6 or 7 am. Take the dogs for a 20-minute walk. Once home I feed and water them.

At noon or 1 pm I take the dogs for their second 20-minute walk. Once home I feed and make sure their water bowl is full.

Mid-afternoon walk or playtime for 20 mins.

At 5 or 6 pm I take the dogs for their third 20-minute walk. Once home I feed and make sure their water bowl is full.

The final walk of the day is at 8 or 9 pm I take the dogs for a quick 5 or 10-minute walk. Once home I check the water bowl and give them a dog treat before bedtime.

In addition, we play throughout the day. If they have a yard, I let them in and out whenever they ask.

Walks are what takes most of the time.


  • Making business decisions
  • Making your own schedule
  • Challenge of building your clientele
  • Choosing your jobs
  • Great clients & pets


  • Financial instability
  • Constant moving
  • Adjusting to client’s homes
Marti Garcia
Pet Sitter
The Pampered Pet Roatan
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Pet Sitters

Pet Sitters typically provide care for pets while owners are away. They often stay in the owner’s home, which allows the pet to remain in familiar territory.

Salary: $31000
Salary Rank: D
Education: No degree required
Suitable Personality: The Builder