Day in the life of
Dental Hygienist – Jaclyn Cooper, R.D.H.
I always knew I wanted to help people, and the medical field was always interesting to me but I wasn’t sure I wanted to be a nurse, because of how deeply emotional their cases can be. I stumbled across the dental hygiene program at my college and knew this would be a great fit for me.
I love being able to treat my patients, create a rapport with them, and educate them on dental hygiene and how it supports their overall health. I truly enjoy getting to know my patients and it’s always fun to meet new ones. It can be a very busy job, but I enjoy the fast-paced environment!
One of the best parts of being a hygienist is being able to be that person that they trust wholeheartedly with their care knowing that they value and respect your opinions.
One of the worst and most heartbreaking parts is when a patient comes in with high expectations of what they would like to have done, but once they understand the cost to them and how dental insurance actually works, their ideas of the perfect treatment sometimes have to be reevaluated into priority treatment. Being able to offer patients a way to help them get to their goal is sometimes tricky but we certainly do all we can to help.
Overall, it’s an extremely rewarding job and I’m proud I chose this career path.
Dental Hygienists
clean teeth and examine oral areas, head, and neck for signs of oral disease. May educate patients on oral hygiene, take and develop x rays, or apply fluoride or sealants.