Day in the life of
Anesthesiologist – Dr. Taylor Graber, MD
My name is Dr. Taylor Graber. I am an MD resident anesthesiologist and I work in San Diego with the University of California San Diego.
Anesthesiology is the practice of using medications and pharmacology to assist patients and surgeons with medical procedures. There are a wide variety of roles and responsibilities, and we work inside and outside of the operating room. Some of these job roles include providing sedation for minor surgeries, medications and procedures for general anesthesia, peripheral nerve blocks to assist with acute and chronic pain, spinal and epidural injections to assist with childbirth, and more. In short, we are tasked with making sure patients are comfortable and safe during a surgical procedure.
The pros of being an Anesthesiologist are that you are a respected member of the medical community and you can make an immediate and direct impact in the lives of others. For many people, getting a surgical procedure done is one of the most unnerving and stressful moments of their lives. We have the responsibility of gaining their trust and putting them at ease, within as little as 5-10 minutes before we take them back for their procedure.
We are able to work with our hands and perform critical thinking on a day-to-day basis. It is intellectually stimulating and rewarding work!
Definite cons to becoming an Anesthesiologist are the time it takes to finish medical school and residency before being able to practice independently. It is a long road to get to this point, but this is because there is an immense amount of responsibility it takes to get to this point. We are solely responsible for the life and well-being of another human being, and they trust us with their care. This is not to be taken lightly. Although 95% of Anesthesiology is low-risk and non-stressful when emergencies occur there are split-second decisions that can have drastic consequences on the health of the patient. This is where you need a competent, dedicated, and skillful provider to accurately make decisions. This can also lead to increased amounts of stress at work, which can be a downside to the practice over time.
administer anesthetics prior to, during, or after surgery or other medical procedures.