Adjunct Nursing Professor – Dr. Jenna Liphart Rhoads

Stan T.

Day in the life of
Adjunct Nursing Professor – Dr. Jenna Liphart Rhoads

Dr. Jenna Liphart Rhoads Ph.D., RN, CNE
Adjunct Nursing Professor
Texas Women’s University

I am a nursing professor. I teach in the graduate program at Texas Women’s University (TWU) as an adjunct professor and the University of Wisconsin- Green Bay (UW-GB) as a full-time instructor.

A normal day for me starts at 6 am when I’m teaching clinical, or around 8 am when I am working from home or teaching a didactic class.

I always start my day by checking emails to see if there are any emails from my students or peers with pertinent information I need for clinical or my classes. When teaching clinical, I spend the day in an in-patient hospital unit with 6-8 students helping them learn various aspects of patient care and how to be a nurse. Depending on the unit and the students, I will either work directly with them taking care of patients or the students will work with the bedside RN and I perform observation assessments of the students. For didactic courses, I am in my office for office hours 1 hour prior to the class and use lecture and group activities within my courses. I spend my office hours working on grading, prepping, or working directly with students who show up for help. For online courses that I teach, I check my email and the course LMS (Canvas) multiple times a day for messages from students, to grade assignments, and to monitor the student discussion boards.


I love being able to work with both students AND patients as an educator; it’s the best of both worlds. This type of position also allows for flexible hours (not 8-5 every day) and no holidays or weekends, which is typical of a regular RN role. This type of schedule allows me to be home with my family during the summers and more frequently throughout the year. I also enjoy teaching because it keeps me educated and “up to date” with nursing practice as well. It allows me to be a “jack of all trades” rather than have one specific specialty.


The biggest disadvantage for me is with teaching online courses; they allow for complete flexibility for me but I do miss engaging with my students in person. I have found that there are more communication issues with online courses than with other types of nursing courses.

Dr. Jenna Liphart Rhoads Ph.D., RN, CNE
Adjunct Nursing Professor
Texas Women’s University
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Nursing Professors

demonstrate and teach patient care in classroom and clinical units to nursing students. Includes both teachers primarily engaged in teaching and those who do a combination of teaching and research.

Salary: $84060
Salary Rank: B
Education: Master's degree
Becoming One: Very Hard
Job Satisfaction: Very High
Job Growth: Very High
Suitable Personality: The Helper