Crisis/Emergency/Disaster Management

Stan T.Leave a Comment

About this program

A program focusing on the application of the incident command system model to formulating and implementing effective response to natural and man-made disasters. Includes instruction in contingency planning, hazard and risk assessment, joint operations, law and ethics, emergency response and recovery, event mitigation, emergency rescue and medical operations, incident command, terrorism and national security issues, law enforcement, relief administration, volunteer and citizen coordination, public relations and applications to specific types of incidents.

Career Opportunities

Police and Detectives Supervisors

directly supervise and coordinate activities of members of police force.
No degree required
High job satisfaction
Personality Match

Emergency Management Directors

plan and direct disaster response or crisis management activities, provide disaster preparedness training, and prepare emergency plans and procedures for natural (e.g., hurricanes, floods, earthquakes), wartime, or technological (e.g., nuclear power plant emergencies or hazardous materials spills) disasters or hostage situations.
Bachelor's degree
High job satisfaction
Personality Match

Related Majors

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Criminalistics and Criminal Science

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Cyber/Computer Forensics and Counterterrorism

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Cybersecurity Defense Strategy/Policy

A program that focuses on the study of strategy, policy, and standards regarding the security of and operations in cyberspace. Includes instruction in incident response, information assurance, recovery policies, vulnerability reduction, deterrence, threat reduction, and resiliency.

Financial Forensics and Fraud Investigation

A program focusing on the principles and techniques of conducting investigations into financial crime, terrorist activity, and the analysis and use of accounting data as evidence. Includes instruction in the principles of accounting, investigative auditing, computer investigations, accounting system documents and software, business corruption, criminal and terrorist financial networks, international money markets and movement, net worth analysis, financial fraud, exposing concealed assets, records seizure, fraud and money laundering statutes, fraud case initiation, case management, and case presentation.

Forensic Science and Technology

A program that focuses on the application of the physical, biomedical, and social sciences to the analysis and evaluation of physical evidence, human testimony and criminal suspects. Includes instruction in forensic medicine, forensic dentistry, anthropology, psychology, entomology, pathology, forensic laboratory technology and autopsy procedures, DNA and blood pattern analysis, crime scene analysis, crime scene photography, fingerprint technology, document analysis, witness and suspect examination procedures, applicable law and regulations, and professional standards and ethics.

Geospatial Intelligence

A program that prepares individuals to analyze security and intelligence problems using a geographic perspective by relating human actions to cultural, political, economic, social, and physical landscapes. Includes instruction in aerial photography analysis, cartography, geographic information systems (GIS), physical geography, remote sensing, spatial programming, and quantitative methods in geographic research.

Law Enforcement Intelligence Analysis

A program focusing on the preparation of law enforcement personnel to perform intelligence and surveillance operations and to analyze and use data collected via such operations. Includes instruction in the intelligence cycle, information sources, data retrieval, digital investigation, financial investigations, document analysis, external sources, geographic information systems, link analysis, operation planning and security, case management, applicable law and regulations, and case preparation.

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