Should I Become A Story Analyst (One Minute Quiz)

Alyssa Omandac

Career Quiz and Most Suitable Personality

Story Analysts

Story Analysts Story Analysts read screenplays for movies and TV shows sent to the agents of producers and directors. They also summarize the screenplays and provide recommendations to help producers decide whether to develop the story.

Bachelor's degree

Find a job you love and you will never work a day in your life.Confucius

Table of contents
  1. Career Quiz
  2. Suitable Personality Type
  3. Pros and Cons

Career Quiz

In this career quiz, there are 8-10 questions that will give you a pretty good perspective on whether this career is right for you.

There are 3 answers to each question: Dislike, Maybe, and Like.

Answer “Like / Yes” if you tell yourself “Yes! I would love do this” or “Yeah, I’m that type of person”.
Answer “Okay / Maybe” if you tell yourself “Umm…I think I will be okay with that”.
Answer “Dislike / No” if you tell yourself “Ugh…Sounds boring” or “No way!”.

Ready? Let’s start!

Question Yes Maybe No
Are you interested in reading movie and TV scripts?
Would you like to learn how to summarize screenplays?
Are you curious about a career that involves critiquing screenplays?
Do you have the self-motivation needed to meet tight deadlines without supervision?
Do you have the people skills needed to succeed in the Entertainment industry?
Do you have the persistence to pursue your goals, even if they take years?
Are you prepared to deal with a job that involves tight deadlines?
Do you love movies and want to read scripts for a living?

Your Results


Now count how many points you have.

Dislike = 0 point
Okay = 1 point
Like = 2 points

After you’re done counting your points. Click below to view your results.

Suitable Personality Type

You can read more about these career personality types here.

Self-motivation is an essential personality trait for Story Analysts, as they need to manage their time and meet deadlines without supervision. An outgoing personality is also recommended, as the Entertainment industry often requires excellent people skills. Successful Story Analysts are also persistent in pursuing goals, due to the limited availability of positions for Story Analysts.

Pros and Cons


You Get to Read Scripts Before They Become Movies

As a Story Analyst, you may be among the first individuals to read scripts that later become Hollywood blockbusters.

You Have the Ability to Promote Stories That Others May Ignore

Story Analysts often take pride in helping stories get made, especially when others fail to see the value in a screenplay.

You May Get to Interact with Famous Individuals

As Story Analysts are often involved in projects during the development process, they occasionally interact with famous people in the Entertainment industry.

Your Job May Improve Your Writing Skills

Story Analysts understand what works in a script, which can help them when writing their own screenplays.


Tight Deadlines

Story Analysts occasionally need to read and analyze one or more scripts in a single day and meet other tight deadlines.

Lack of Recognition

Story Analysts do not receive much recognition from peers or the public.

Don’t know which career to pursue?

Take the career quiz to find careers that match your personality type.

Take The Career Quiz