Kindergarten and Elementary School Special Education Teachers: Salary, Job Description, How To Become One, and Quiz

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Kindergarten School Special Ed Teacherss

Kindergarten School Special Ed Teacherss teach elementary school subjects to educationally and physically handicapped students. Includes teachers who specialize and work with audibly and visually handicapped students and those who teach basic academic and life processes skills to the mentally impaired.

Becoming One
Bachelor's degree
Job Satisfaction
Job Growth

Interest Match

Job description

Kindergarten and Elementary School Special Education Teachers teach elementary school subjects to educationally and physically handicapped students. Includes teachers who specialize and work with audibly and visually handicapped students and those who teach basic academic and life processes skills to the mentally impaired.

  • Instruct special needs students in academic subjects, using a variety of techniques, such as phonetics, multisensory learning, or repetition to reinforce learning and meet students’ varying needs.
  • Develop or implement strategies to meet the needs of students with a variety of disabilities.
  • Develop individual educational plans (IEPs) designed to promote students’ educational, physical, or social development.
  • Confer with parents, administrators, testing specialists, social workers, or other professionals to develop individual education plans (IEPs).
Read more about what does a Kindergarten and Elementary School Special Education Teacher really do at work and what is it like being and working as one.


Average salary
$63110 per year

Kindergarten School Special Ed Teacherss with little to no experience tend to make between $38980 and $47520 while the more experienced ones can earn over $75940 per year.

Top 5 paying states Hourly Annual
CA $- $80,370
DC $- $78,830
NY $- $77,840
OR $- $76,880
CT $- $76,780

One of the easiest ways to increase your salary as a Kindergarten and Elementary School Special Education Teacher is to move to a higher paying state like CA. Right now, the highest paying states for Kindergarten School Special Ed Teacherss are CA, DC, NY, OR and CT.

However, a higher pay at CA doesn’t guarantee that you will make more because the living expenses at CA might be twice as high than where you are currently at now.

Three other factors that can increase your salary as a Kindergarten and Elementary School Special Education Teacher is the degree you hold, the industry you work in, and lastly the company you work for.


Recommended degree level
Bachelor’s degree

We asked other Kindergarten School Special Ed Teacherss what degree they had when they got the job and most of them said they had a Bachelor’s Degree followed by a Master’s Degree.

Other than that, we also asked them what did they major in and here are the most popular majors that came up.

Special Education and Teaching, General
Education/Teaching of Individuals with Hearing Impairments Including Deafness
Education/Teaching of Individuals with Emotional Disturbances
Education/Teaching of Individuals with Mental Retardation
Education/Teaching of Individuals with Multiple Disabilities
Read more about how to become a Kindergarten and Elementary School Special Education Teacher and the degree, training and education you need.

Pros and Cons

Here are some of the pros and cons of being a Kindergarten and Elementary School Special Education Teacher.

Suitable for people who likes to help and teach others
Suitable for people who values relationships between co-workers and customers and wants to work in a friendly non-competitive environment
It is not too difficult to get into this career. Previous work-related skill, knowledge, or experience is required to get started.
Good salary (earns more than 50% of the careers out there)
Not suitable for people who likes practical and hands-on work

What is the job like

Job satisfaction

Is this job meaningful

73% of Kindergarten School Special Ed Teacherss said they were satisfied with their job and 73% said they feel like their job is making other people’s lives better.

Is this right for me

Best personality for this career
The Helpers and The Artists

You can read more about these career personality types here.

People who are suitable for this job tends to like working with, communicating with, and teaching people. They like helping or providing service to others..

They also like working with forms, designs and patterns. They often require self-expression and the work can be done without following a clear set of rules.

Learn more about Kindergarten School Special Ed Teacherss

Summary (You are here)
Job Description

Related career information

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