How Long Does It Take, What Degree Do You Need, and More
Septic Tank Servicers
Septic Tank Servicers clean and repair septic tanks, sewer lines, or drains. May patch walls and partitions of tank, replace damaged drain tile, or repair breaks in underground piping.
What degree do you need
High School Diploma
One of the most common questions that we always get is what major or degree do I need to become Septic Tank Servicers or what courses do I need to take.
We also asked Septic Tank Servicers what did they major in college or university and here are the top 5 most popular majors that came up.
Plumbing Technology |
The majority of Septic Tank Servicers and Sewer Pipe Cleaners typically enter the occupation with a high school diploma. Taking a course on Plumbing technology or a related field is an advantage for this occupation.
How hard is it
Most of the time, you won’t need any previous work-related skill, knowledge or experience. For example, you can become a waiter or waitress even if you have never worked as one before.
You may need anywhere between a few days to a few months of on-the-job training.
License and certifications
Septic tank servicers are required to be licensed or certified in most states. Becoming a licensed or certified septic tank servicer generally involves completing an application detailing your background and professional experience, paying an annually renewable fee and passing an exam covering installation, operational details and safety procedures.
Skills required
We asked other Septic Tank Servicers if they could only have 5 skills, what would they be. Here is what they said.
1. | Operation Monitoring what does this mean |
2. | Operation and Control what does this mean |
3. | Critical Thinking what does this mean |
4. | Troubleshooting what does this mean |
5. | Active Listening what does this mean |
= Hot in-demand that most employers are looking for
Knowledge required
Just like any other job, you will need certain know-hows to excel at your job. Septic Tank Servicers are generally very knowledgeable in these 5 key areas.
1. | Customer and Personal Service what does this mean |
2. | Mechanical what does this mean |
3. | Sales and Marketing what does this mean |
4. | Public Safety and Security what does this mean |
5. | English Language what does this mean |
Learn more about Septic Tank Servicers
Summary | |
Job Description | |
Salary | |
Requirements (You are here) | |
Quiz |
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Septic Tank Servicers and Sewer Pipe Cleaners requirements, how to become Septic Tank Servicers, degree required to be a Septic Tank Servicer and Sewer Pipe Cleaner, Septic Tank Servicers and Sewer Pipe Cleaners license and certifications, majors to be a Septic Tank Servicer and Sewer Pipe Cleaner, is it hard to become a Septic Tank Servicer and Sewer Pipe Cleaner and how long does it take