What Do Portrait Photographers Do

Stan T.

Salary, Job Description, How To Become One, and Quiz

What is the job like

Paul Richardson Photography

I’m a full-time portrait photographer and have been shooting professionally for 8 years now. A typical day would either be working from my home office or at the studio shooting. Office days can consist of any number of tasks, accounting, editing, outreach.. basically trying to manage the day to day running of the business. Shoot … Read More

Oksana Pali Photography

I am Oksana Pali from Oksana Pali Photography. I have been a portrait photographer since 2008. Now I mainly focus on personal branding, which is a quick growing field in photography right now. Not every day is the same for a photographer. They are usually divided into photoshoot days (2-3 days per week) and no … Read More


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