Should I Become A Photojournalist (One Minute Quiz)

Alyssa Omandac

Career Quiz and Most Suitable Personality


Photojournalists Photojournalists take pictures of events to provide viewers with a realistic depiction of the situation. They attempt to capture events in a way that evokes some type of emotion in the viewer.

Bachelor's degree
Interest Match

Find a job you love and you will never work a day in your life.Confucius

Table of contents
  1. Career Quiz
  2. Suitable Personality Type
  3. Pros and Cons

Career Quiz

In this career quiz, there are 8-10 questions that will give you a pretty good perspective on whether this career is right for you.

There are 3 answers to each question: Dislike, Maybe, and Like.

Answer “Like / Yes” if you tell yourself “Yes! I would love do this” or “Yeah, I’m that type of person”.
Answer “Okay / Maybe” if you tell yourself “Umm…I think I will be okay with that”.
Answer “Dislike / No” if you tell yourself “Ugh…Sounds boring” or “No way!”.

Ready? Let’s start!

Question Yes Maybe No
Are you interested in taking photos of important events?
Are you interested in a career that may require travel?
Would you like to learn more about using and maintaining photography equipment?
Are you an artistic individual with a good eye for composing camera shots?
Do you have the communication skills needed to work well with others?
Are you a self-motivated individual and willing to explore new career opportunities?
Do you have a passion for telling stories or documenting events that impact people’s lives?
Are you interested in a career that combines Photography and Journalism?

Your Results


Now count how many points you have.

Dislike = 0 point
Okay = 1 point
Like = 2 points

After you’re done counting your points. Click below to view your results.

Suitable Personality Type

The Artist

People with this personality likes to work with designs and patterns. They prefer activities that require self-expression and prefer work that can be done without following a clear set of rules. You can read more about these career personality types here.

Photojournalists are often artistic individuals, relying on their creativity and intuition to capture the emotion of an event. Communication skills are also essential, especially when working with a Journalist to cover a news story.

Successful Photojournalists tend to be self-motivated individuals as they need to actively seek new assignments to advance their careers.

Pros and Cons


You Get to Visit New Places

Photojournalists frequently need to travel to new places to cover news events and stories.

Your Photos May Become Recognizable

Taking an iconic photo of an important event may help you gain recognition for your work.

You May Help Keep People Informed

Photojournalists help give viewers a realistic view of situations, which can be difficult to achieve with just words.

You May Work in Multiple Industries

Photojournalists often freelance as Photographers in other industries, such as advertising or fashion.


You May Spend a Lot of Time Traveling

Frequent travel may become tiring.

You May Not Always Find Work

There is limited demand for Photojournalists, making it difficult for those entering this field to find consistent work.

Don’t know which career to pursue?

Take the career quiz to find careers that match your personality type.

Take The Career Quiz