Career Quiz and Most Suitable Personality
Oceanographers Oceanographers often plan, organize, and lead research trips to study aspects of the ocean. They collect samples and data that they study, and they do a great deal of research to understand more about all aspects of the ocean.
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Career Quiz
In this career quiz, there are 8-10 questions that will give you a pretty good perspective on whether this career is right for you.
There are 3 answers to each question: Dislike, Maybe, and Like.
Ready? Let’s start!
Question | Yes | Maybe | No |
Are you comfortable spending time out in the ocean doing research? | |||
Are you willing to write funding proposals and work to obtain grants for your research? | |||
Are you interested in learning more about different aspects of the ocean? | |||
Do you have a meticulous and detail-oriented approach to your work? | |||
Do you have intellectual curiosity about the ocean? | |||
Do you have a great imagination that allows you to come up with ideas to research? | |||
Do you enjoy studying and learning about the ocean? | |||
Are you interested in working out at sea and in a research facility? |
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Suitable Personality Type
People with this personality likes to work with ideas that require an extensive amount of thinking. They prefer work that requires them to solve problems mentally. You can read more about these career personality types here.
An oceanographer will have a great deal of intellectual curiosity. They come up with questions and want to know the answers. In addition, oceanographers have a great imagination and can imagine what possibilities exist. This is critical in coming up with hypotheses. They have patience and are very precise and methodical in their actions. They pay attention to the littlest details, and they are meticulous.
Pros and Cons
You get to do hands-on work in a field you love
You wouldn’t become an oceanographer if you didn’t love the ocean, and you will get to conduct experiments and learn all about your field.
You will collaborate with other scientists who share your interests
Often scientists team up together to study a topic within a field, and you get to collaborate and work with others who have the same passion for oceanography as you.
You have the potential to discover something that benefits the ocean
As you research and study the ocean, your research may lead to new ways to improve the ocean and society.
You get good pay and benefits
This is a skilled job, and you have the opportunity to receive good pay and benefits. This might include a salary, medical insurance, and other benefits.
You need to apply for funding
Scientists, including oceanographers, often need to apply for funding to get their research projects funded. Funding can be competitive, and you need to present a compelling argument as you compete to have your research projects chosen.
You can be in high-risk situations
Working out in the ocean can be risky, especially if you are going in underwater vehicles or studying marine life out in the deep sea.
Don’t know which career to pursue?
Take the career quiz to find careers that match your personality type.
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