Should I Become A Law Librarian (One Minute Quiz)

Alyssa Omandac

Career Quiz and Most Suitable Personality

Law Librarians

Law Librarians Law librarians help law firms, law students, judges, and other legal professionals make accurate decisions by collecting, analyzing, evaluating, and researching information in print and digital media. They make sure that they have access to all of the latest information.

Interest Match

Find a job you love and you will never work a day in your life.Confucius

Table of contents
  1. Career Quiz
  2. Suitable Personality Type
  3. Pros and Cons

Career Quiz

In this career quiz, there are 8-10 questions that will give you a pretty good perspective on whether this career is right for you.

There are 3 answers to each question: Dislike, Maybe, and Like.

Answer “Like / Yes” if you tell yourself “Yes! I would love do this” or “Yeah, I’m that type of person”.
Answer “Okay / Maybe” if you tell yourself “Umm…I think I will be okay with that”.
Answer “Dislike / No” if you tell yourself “Ugh…Sounds boring” or “No way!”.

Ready? Let’s start!

Question Yes Maybe No
Are you comfortable teaching law students and lawyers how to use resources in a library?
Are you willing to stay on top of the latest legal resources in print and digital media?
Are you interested in conducting research, analysis, and finding information in law?
Do you have intellectual curiosity about the law?
Do you have excellent organizational skills to keep a law library organized?
Do you have a logical mind that puts information together easily?
Do you have the patience to teach lawyers and law students how to use legal research software?
Are you interested in working in a law library?

Your Results


Now count how many points you have.

Dislike = 0 point
Okay = 1 point
Like = 2 points

After you’re done counting your points. Click below to view your results.

Suitable Personality Type

The Organizer

People with this personality type likes to follow set procedures and routines. They prefer working with data and details more than with ideas. You can read more about these career personality types here.

Law librarians are organized and meticulous. They are problem solvers and know how to find information. They also have intellectual curiosity about the law, and they enjoy staying on top of the latest trends in their field. They have logical minds and enjoy putting the pieces of a puzzle together in their minds.

Pros and Cons


You get to stay on top of the latest information

If you enjoy the field of law, your work will keep you on the cutting edge of the latest information and technology for research.

You have an important job

This is a critical job in most law firms because lawyers rely on law librarians to research cases and laws so that they can best represent their clients and win their cases.

You can be very organized

If you like routines, structure, and organization, this is a great job. You will make sure that the resources are all catalogued and easy to access.

You get to be part of a team

You are part of a legal team that is working to fight for the rights of clients. This can be a rewarding experience.


You spend a lot of time in school before getting this job

Most employers expect you to have a law degree, and some require a masters in law.

You need to be very good to get a job

This is a highly competitive field, and you need to be very good at it to get hired.

Don’t know which career to pursue?

Take the career quiz to find careers that match your personality type.

Take The Career Quiz