What Does A Kinesiotherapist Do (including Their Typical Day at Work)

Alyssa OmandacCareer, Overview

Salary, Job Description, How To Become One, and Quiz


Kinesiotherapists develop rehabilitative exercise routines to help patients recover from injury or deal with mobility problems. This job often involves assessing and treating patients, along with performing administrative tasks.

Bachelor's degree

Kinesiotherapists are part of a relatively new career path that is closely related to Physical Therapy. The field of kinesiology involves the study of body-movement mechanics. Corrective therapists that use kinesiology are called “Kinesiotherapists.”

Kinesiotherapists use a variety of techniques, including rehabilitative exercise and physical education, to assist patients that struggle to move in any way. They may develop exercise routines, monitor the activity levels of patients, and promote healthier habits.

Some Kinesiotherapists visit patients at their homes, evaluating the safety of stairs and furniture for those with mobility issues.

What they do

Kinesiotherapists develop rehabilitative exercise routines to help patients recover from injury or deal with mobility problems. This job often involves assessing and treating patients, along with performing administrative tasks.

Work with Other Specialists to Treat Patients

Kinesiotherapists often work as part of a team of specialists to help patients overcome their health issues. For example, along with kinesiotherapy, a patient may require a special diet, which involves working with a Clinical Dietician.

In most cases, Kinesiotherapists and other specialists work under the direction of the patient’s primary Physician. The Kinesiotherapist is often brought in when the patient suffers from limited mobility.

Assess the Physical Abilities of Patients

Kinesiotherapists perform physical exams to assess the physical abilities and limitations of patients. They may assess the range of motion of different joints and the level of pain when performing specific movements.

Kinesiotherapists also assess the activity level of the patient, as they typically need to fully understand the patient’s daily routine, such as whether they walk up and down stairs frequently or need to walk great distances.

Develop Rehabilitative Exercise Programs

Based on the patient assessment and consultations with other specialists, the Kinesiotherapist begins developing rehabilitative exercise programs. The plans are tailored to the needs of each patient.

A rehabilitation plan may include simple exercises that the patient can perform alone in their home or more complex techniques that require the help of a Physical Therapist.

Educate Patients About Physical Activity

A major part of a Kinesiotherapist’s job is educating patients about physical activity. They attempt to promote greater physical activity to encourage continued improvements in a patient’s health and wellbeing.

Evaluate the Safety of Living Conditions

In some cases, the Kinesiotherapist needs to evaluate the safety of the patient’s living conditions. For example, if the patient struggles walking up and down the stairs, the Kinesiotherapist may recommend altering the living arrangements to keep the patient on a single floor.

What is the job like


You Get to Help Improve the Health of Others

Kinesiotherapists help patients overcome or cope with debilitating health issues, which can be quite rewarding.

You Do Not Need to Go to Medical School

The educational path to becoming a Kinesiotherapist is much shorter compared to licensed Physicians.

You May Work in a Variety of Locations

The demand for Kinesiotherapists is limited, but they are employed throughout the country and in a variety of settings, including hospitals and clinics.

You Will Likely Work a Set Schedule

Kinesiotherapists typically work during normal business hours during the weekdays and have the weekends off, which can make it easier to maintain a good work/life balance.


Time-Consuming Paperwork

Kinesiotherapists often spend a considerable amount of time on administrative tasks, such as submitting papers to insurance companies and maintaining patient records.

Lack of Occupational Recognition

Kinesiotherapy is a relatively unknown field with limited recognition outside of the medical community.

Where they work

Sports Medicine Clinics
Rehabilitation Centers
Colleges and Universities

The biggest employer of Kinesiotherapists is the United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). VA hospitals frequently employ Kinesiotherapists to help improve the quality of life of veterans suffering from issues that impact their mobility.

Along with VA hospitals, Kinesiotherapists work in a wide range of healthcare settings, including hospitals, sports medicine facilities, rehabilitation centers, and fitness centers. Colleges and universities may also hire Kinesiotherapists.

How to become one

Step 1: Study Science in High School

Aspiring Kinesiotherapists should study Biology, Chemistry, and other science courses in high school to prepare for the college curriculum.

Step 2: Earn a Bachelor’s Degree

Kinesiotherapists need at least a Bachelor’s degree to enter this field. The most common major is Sports Medicine. However, an increasing number of universities and colleges now offer Kinesiology programs.

Step 3: Earn a Master’s Degree

While not strictly required, many Kinesiotherapists hold Master’s degrees in Kinesiology. 

Step 4: Find a Kinesiology Internship

Look for internship opportunities at rehabilitation clinics, sports clinics, and Physician’s offices.

Step 5: Become a Registered Kinesiotherapist

After completing 1,000 supervised hours of clinical work in kinesiology, you may register with the Council on Professional Standards for Kinesiotherapy. This optional step demonstrates your skills and knowledge in kinesiology.

Should you become one

Best personality type for this career

The Helper

People with this personality type likes to work with people and in teams. They prefer work that allows them to build relationships with others.

You can read more about these career personality types here.

Kinesiotherapists need good interpersonal skills, as they work with a wide range of patients and other medical professionals. You also need to have patience, as many of your patients will be older and may struggle to follow your instructions.

Working as a Kinesiotherapist also requires empathy, which is a common trait for Doctors, as it helps you deliver medical care with compassion. Many Kinesiotherapists are also investigative individuals who explore a variety of potential solutions when treating a patient.

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