What Does A Business Coach Do

Stan T.

Salary, Job Description, How To Become One, and Quiz

What is the job like

Roberto Martinez

In my capacity as a Grow with Google (GwG) Digital Coach, my primary focus is to provide digital resources for Black and Latino business owners, such as building a website and understanding customer analytics, so they can grow online. I assist thousands of diverse small business owners with learning essential digital skills to run their businesses, who, in turn, use those new skills to serve their local neighborhoods.

Most of my work in this role revolves around technical assistance training via in-person and virtual workshops. The work focuses on providing small businesses a safe space where communities of color in particular can share and leverage their unique experiences as business owners to be successful in both the traditional brick-and-mortar, as well as in the virtual, business space.

That said, most of my time is spent on preparation. I speak with multiple small business partners about their needs and work on setting up workshops tailored to the audiences in attendance. During workshops, I focus on humanizing the entrepreneurial experience by connecting content with business owners’ personal stories and answering any questions the audience may have.


The best part of the job is the ability to provide countless resources to the entrepreneurs and having them come back a few weeks later to share how they were able to grow their company.

I also absolutely love developing personal connections with entrepreneurs and organizational leaders. Many have become great friends and allies, and it’s rewarding to see their success in both the short and long-term using the skills from the workshops. Many of the past attendees have gone on to become financial engines of growth for cities and neighborhoods where they work.


The challenges are what make the program so great: helping people unfamiliar with the internet and technology utilize Google tools. This was especially important during the onset of COVID-19, when businesses had to learn to grow their digital presence rapidly. There is a visible minority of business owners who grew up without the internet and had to adapt quickly to a new world to thrive. Luckily, our workshops are designed to benefit people at every skill level, so no matter how unfamiliar the digital tools are to these individuals when the program starts, our curriculum will provide the means to enable business growth.


Should I be a Digital Coach?

Here are the top 10 questions I’d ask someone to see if they have the right personality to be a Digital Coach. What does your dream job look like? What would you say is your life mission? What are your top 5 business apps that you recommend to people? In what type of work environment … Read More

Answered by:
Roberto Martinez
Digital Coach

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