Mental Health Therapist – Amanda Conroy

Stan T.

Day in the life of
Mental Health Therapist – Amanda Conroy

Amanda Conroy
Mental Health Therapist
Amanda Conroy Counseling

I am a mental health therapist in private practice.

A typical day at work includes many different tasks.

First, and most importantly, a typical day involves meeting with clients. I will meet with 4-5 clients a day for a 50–55-minute session.

Second, I block time off in my day for potential clients to engage in a free 20-min phone consultation with me. This involves chatting with potential clients who are interested in therapy. Potential clients will have the opportunity to learn about my practice and ask questions; this helps them determine if I would be a good fit for them as their therapist.

Third, writing progress notes after every session and providing care coordination. Care coordination involves talking with other health professionals working with my clients to ensure quality care.

Fourth, consultation with another mental health professional on client cases.

Lastly, I like to leave time in my day to read books that help me do my job more effectively. For example, I am trained in EMDR and utilized EMDR with my clients. I like to read books to review my skills and to learn new skills as an EMDR therapist. Providing quality and effective care to my clients is especially important.

Consulting room


There are so many more pros than cons with my job, so I will start with the cons. The first con, private practice is isolating; I do not have co-workers that I can regularly lean on and talk with, like in an agency setting.

Second, I need to set aside time to do work that is not clinical such as finances and marketing.


Now on to the pros-the best part. First pro, the therapeutic relationship formed with clients. I love being able to be the person to hold space for my clients to express and share painful
emotions and memories and help them through it.

Second, it feels great when a client has met treatment goals and is successfully discharged from therapy. I am joyful for a client when I see their quality of life has been enhanced. Fourth, in private practice, I have a specific niche and specialize in anxiety and trauma; therefore, the clients who come to me are clients struggling with those issues, and I can effectively help them.

Lastly, being in solo practice allows me to make my own schedule, be my own boss, and have more time at home with my family.

Amanda Conroy
Mental Health Therapist
Amanda Conroy Counseling
I am a licensed naturopathic doctor who has been helping people on their wellness journey for over 15 years. I specialize in Digestion and Hormonal dy … Read More

Mental Health Counselors

counsel and advise individuals and groups to promote optimum mental and emotional health, with an emphasis on prevention. May help individuals deal with a broad range of mental health issues, such as those associated with addictions and substance abuse; family, parenting, and marital problems; stress management; self-esteem; or aging.

Salary: $51550
Salary Rank: C
Education: Master's degree
Becoming One: Very Hard
Job Satisfaction: High
Job Growth: Very High
Suitable Personality: The Helper