
Stan T.

XXX Yes \
} jobs information”] \
pros and cons of being {singular[1]} \


[IF({othernames1[. != “”]})]

Other names for this job might include {othernames1[1]}, [ENDIF][IF({othernames2[. != “”]})]{othernames2[1]}, [ENDIF][IF({othernames3[. != “”]})]{othernames3[1]}, [ENDIF][IF({othernames4[. != “”]})]{othernames4[1]}, [ENDIF][IF({othernames5[. != “”]})]{othernames5[1]}, [ENDIF][IF({othernames6[. != “”]})]{othernames6[1]}, [ENDIF][IF({othernames7[. != “”]})]{othernames7[1]}, [ENDIF][IF({othernames8[. != “”]})]{othernames8[1]}, [ENDIF][IF({othernames9[. != “”]})]{othernames9[1]}, [ENDIF][IF({othernames10[. != “”]})]{othernames10[1]}[ENDIF] \

  • $[IF({avgsalary[contains(.,’*’)]})]{hourlywage[1]} per hour[ELSE]{avgsalary[1]}[ENDIF]
  • \
  • {jobsatisfaction[1]}%
    Job satisfaction
  • \
  • {gettingin[1]}
    Becoming one
  • \
  • [IF({jobgrowth[. != “”]})]{jobgrowth[1]}[ELSE]NA[ENDIF]
    Job growth
  • \
OwlGuru Rank \

{rank2[1]} \


{shortname[1]}: Know It All In 1 Minute


In this career summary, you will find out what the job of {yoastsingletitle[1]} is about and what it is like.

After reading this, you will have a good idea on what the job is about and decide if this is the right career for you.


Job description \

{newtitle[1]} {description[1]}

    [IF({core1[. != “”]})]
  • {core1[1]}
  • [ELSE][ENDIF] [IF({core2[. != “”]})]
  • {core2[1]}
  • [ELSE][ENDIF] [IF({core3[. != “”]})]
  • {core3[1]}
  • [ELSE][ENDIF] [IF({core4[. != “”]})]
  • {core4[1]}
Read more about what does {yoastsingletitle[1]} really do at work and what is it like being and working as one.

Become one \

schools for {shortname[1]}

Interested in becoming {yoastsingletitle[1]}? Find the right schools that can help you to become one. This service is free thanks to our sponsors.

Click to start becoming {singular[1]}

Salary \

[IF({annualsalary[contains(.,’*’)]})] [ELSE]
Average salary
${annualsalary[1]} per year
[ENDIF] [IF({hourlywage[contains(.,’*’)]})] [ELSE]
Hourly wage
${hourlywage[1]} an hour

{shortname[1]} with little to no experience tend to make between ${a_pct10[1]} and ${a_pct25[1]} while the more experienced ones make over $[IF({a_pct75[. = “#”]})]{annualsalary[1]}[ELSE]{a_pct75[1]}[ENDIF] per year.

Top 5 paying states Hourly Annual
{salarystate1[1]} ${statehourly1[1]} ${stateannual1[1]}
{salarystate2[1]} ${statehourly2[1]} ${stateannual2[1]}
{salarystate3[1]} ${statehourly3[1]} ${stateannual3[1]}
{salarystate4[1]} ${statehourly4[1]} ${stateannual4[1]}
{salarystate5[1]} ${statehourly5[1]} ${stateannual5[1]}

1 of the easiest ways to increase your salary as {yoastsingletitle[1]} is to move to a higher paying state like {salarystate1[1]}. Right now, the highest paying states for {shortname[1]} are {salarystate1[1]}, {salarystate2[1]}, {salarystate3[1]}, {salarystate4[1]} and {salarystate5[1]}.

However a higher pay at {salarystate1[1]} doesn’t guarantee that you will make more because the living expenses at {salarystate1[1]} might be 2x higher than where you are currently at now.

3 other factors that can increase your salary as {yoastsingletitle[1]} is the degree you hold, the industry you work in and lastly the company you work for (bigger companies like the Fortune 500 companies tend to pay more).

Find out how much do successful {shortname[1]} make and if their salary is high when compared to all the other careers.

Requirements \

Recommended degree level

We asked other {shortname[1]} what degree they had when they got the job and most of them said they had a {degree1_2[1]} followed by {degree2_2[1]}.

Other than that we also asked them what did they major in and here are the most popular majors that came up.

[IF({degree1[. != “”]})][ELSE]NA[ENDIF] [IF({degree2[. != “”]})][ENDIF] [IF({degree3[. != “”]})][ENDIF] [IF({degree4[. != “”]})][ENDIF] [IF({degree5[. != “”]})][ENDIF]
[IF({skill1[. != “”]})]

Another popular question from our readers is what makes {yoastsingletitle[1]} successful or would they be good in this career.

Well, we found that most successful {shortname[1]} have these 5 skillsets.

[ELSE][ENDIF] [IF({workstyle1[. != “”]})]

In addition to that, 1 common characteristic among successful {shortname[1]} is they are good at {workstyle1[1]}. Here are the top 5 common characteristics.

{workstyle1[1]} \

\ = Hot in-demand that most employers are looking for

Read more about what it really takes to become {yoastsingletitle[1]} and the degree, training and education you need

Pros and Cons \

Here are some reasons why you should and shouldn’t choose {yoastsingletitle[1]} as your career.

[IF({pros1[. != “”]})][ENDIF] [IF({pros2[. != “”]})][ENDIF] [IF({pros3[. != “”]})][ENDIF] [IF({pros4[. != “”]})][ENDIF] [IF({pros5[. != “”]})][ENDIF] [IF({pros6[. != “”]})][ENDIF] [IF({pros7[. != “”]})][ENDIF]
[IF({cons1[. != “”]})][ENDIF] [IF({cons2[. != “”]})][ENDIF] [IF({cons3[. != “”]})][ENDIF] [IF({cons4[. != “”]})][ENDIF] [IF({cons5[. != “”]})][ENDIF] [IF({cons6[. != “”]})][ENDIF] [IF({cons7[. != “”]})][ENDIF]

There will be pros and cons for all jobs. The point is how much do the pros outweigh the cons to you.

A pro to you might be a con to Bob. A pro to Bob might be a con to you. We suggest reading about this career framework that can help you to find out what type of careers are right for you.


What is the job like \

Job satisfaction
Is this job meaningful
[IF({workhours[. != “”]})]
Working hours
Working schedule

On a normal working week {newtitle[1]} work {workhours[1]}.


{jobsatisfaction[1]}% of {shortname[1]} said they were satisfied with their job and {jobmeaning[1]}% said they feel like their job is making other people’s lives better.


Is this right for me \

Best personality for this career
[IF({personality1[. = “Realistic”]})]The Builders[ELSE][ENDIF][IF({personality1[. = “Investigative”]})]The Thinkers[ELSE][ENDIF][IF({personality1[. = “Artistic”]})]The Artists[ELSE][ENDIF][IF({personality1[. = “Social”]})]The Helpers[ELSE][ENDIF][IF({personality1[. = “Enterprising”]})]The Persuaders[ELSE][ENDIF][IF({personality1[. = “Conventional”]})]The Organizers[ELSE][ENDIF] and [IF({personality2[. = “Realistic”]})]The Builders[ELSE][ENDIF][IF({personality2[. = “Investigative”]})]The Thinkers[ELSE][ENDIF][IF({personality2[. = “Artistic”]})]The Artists[ELSE][ENDIF][IF({personality2[. = “Social”]})]The Helpers[ELSE][ENDIF][IF({personality2[. = “Enterprising”]})]The Persuaders[ELSE][ENDIF][IF({personality2[. = “Conventional”]})]The Organizers[ELSE][ENDIF]

You can read more about these career personality types here.

People who are suitable for this job tends to like {personality1desc[1]}

They also like {personality2desc[1]}


How we can help \

\}” career=”{shortname[1]}”]
[IF({relatedicon1[. != “”]})]
{relatedicon1[1]} {relatedname1[1]}
Rank: {relatedrank1[1]}
Salary: ${relatedsalary1[1]}
They {relateddesc1[1]}
{relatedicon2[1]} {relatedname2[1]}
Rank: {relatedrank2[1]}
Salary: ${relatedsalary2[1]}
They {relateddesc2[1]}
{relatedicon3[1]} {relatedname3[1]}
Rank: {relatedrank3[1]}
Salary: ${relatedsalary3[1]}
They {relateddesc3[1]}
{relatedicon4[1]} {relatedname4[1]}
Rank: {relatedrank4[1]}
Salary: ${relatedsalary4[1]}
They {relateddesc4[1]}
{relatedicon5[1]} {relatedname5[1]}
Rank: {relatedrank5[1]}
Salary: ${relatedsalary5[1]}
They {relateddesc5[1]}
[ELSE] \}”] [ENDIF]
\}”] \}” career=”{shortname[1]}”] \

Trusted by over 50,000 fans \

\[easy-followers title=”” nofollow=”1″ total_type=”text_before” columns=”2″ template=”tinycolor”] \

Career type \

{category[1]} [IF({greenoccupation[. != “”]})]{greenoccupation[1]}
[ENDIF] [IF({green[. != “”]})]{green[1]}
[ELSE][ENDIF] [IF({stem[. != “”]})]{stem[1]}
[ELSE][ENDIF] [IF({careerpathwayagriculture[. != “”]})]{careerpathwayagriculture[1]}
[ELSE][ENDIF] [IF({careerpathwayarchitecture[. != “”]})]{careerpathwayarchitecture[1]}
[ELSE][ENDIF] [IF({careerpathwayarts[. != “”]})]{careerpathwayarts[1]}
[ELSE][ENDIF] [IF({careerpathwaybusiness[. != “”]})]{careerpathwaybusiness[1]}
[ELSE][ENDIF] [IF({careerpathwayeducation[. != “”]})]{careerpathwayeducation[1]}
[ELSE][ENDIF] [IF({careerpathwayfinance[. != “”]})]{careerpathwayfinance[1]}
[ELSE][ENDIF] [IF({careerpathwaygovernment[. != “”]})]{careerpathwaygovernment[1]}
[ELSE][ENDIF] [IF({careerpathwayhealth[. != “”]})]{careerpathwayhealth[1]}
[ELSE][ENDIF] [IF({careerpathwayhospitality[. != “”]})]{careerpathwayhospitality[1]}
[ELSE][ENDIF] [IF({careerpathwayhuman[. != “”]})]{careerpathwayhuman[1]}
[ELSE][ENDIF] [IF({careerpathwayit[. != “”]})]{careerpathwayit[1]}
[ELSE][ENDIF] [IF({careerpathwaylaw[. != “”]})]{careerpathwaylaw[1]}
[ELSE][ENDIF] [IF({careerpathwaymanufacturing[. != “”]})]{careerpathwaymanufacturing[1]}
[ELSE][ENDIF] [IF({careerpathwaymarketing[. != “”]})]{careerpathwaymarketing[1]}
[ELSE][ENDIF] [IF({careerpathwaystem[. != “”]})]{careerpathwaystem[1]}
[ELSE][ENDIF] [IF({careerpathwaytransportation[. != “”]})]{careerpathwaytransportation[1]}

Other Careers Like This \

\}”] \

Help Others Out \


Learn more about {shortname[1]} \

\ Summary (You are here)
\ Job Description
\ Salary
\ Requirements
\ Is This Right For Me

Study To Be {yoastsingletitle[1]} \

\[campusexplorer header_text=”Do What You Love!” intro_text=”Find schools and get information to follow your passion and do what you love… and it’s free!” aos=”{cearea[1]}” concentration=”[IF({ceconcentration[contains(.,’-‘)]})][ELSE]{ceconcentration[1]}[ENDIF]” tracking=”ce-career-bottom”] \

Related to {newtitle[1]} Career Information

{newtitle[1]} job description, {newtitle[1]} salary, {newtitle[1]} information, what is the job of {singular[1]} like, pros and cons about {newtitle[1]}, colleges and universities for {newtitle[1]}, is {title[1]} the right career for me, {gettingin[1]} careers to get into, careers in {category[1]}

Additional resources

[IF({obl1[. != “”]})]{obl1[1]}
[ELSE][ENDIF] [IF({obl2[. != “”]})]{obl2[1]}
[ELSE][ENDIF] [IF({obl3[. != “”]})]{obl3[1]}
[ELSE][ENDIF] [IF({obl4[. != “”]})]{obl4[1]}[ELSE][ENDIF] \}” concentration=”[IF({ceconcentration[contains(.,’-‘)]})][ELSE]{ceconcentration[1]}[ENDIF]”] \[schema type=”review” url=”https://www.owlguru.com/” name=”OwlGuru.com” description=”OwlGuru.com is a career and college finder site. We help students to find a career and college that is right for them.” rev_name=”{newtitle[1]}” rev_body=”{shortname[1]} {description[1]}” author=”Stanley Tan” user_review=”{rank3[1]}” min_review=”1″ max_review=”5″ ]