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1151 careers found.
Teacher Assistants
perform duties that are instructional in nature or deliver direct services to students or parents. Serve in a position for which a teacher has ultimate responsibility for the design and implementation of educational programs and services.
Post-secondary certificate
Strong job growth
Team Assemblers
work as part of a team having responsibility for assembling an entire product or component of a product. Team assemblers can perform all tasks conducted by the team in the assembly process and rotate through all or most of them, rather than being assigned to a specific task on a permanent basis. May participate in making management decisions affecting the work. Includes team leaders who work as part of the team.
No degree required
Personality Match
Technical Artists
Technical Artists are responsible for adding artwork to video games. They convert art created by other Artists for use as video game assets.
Bachelor’s degree
Technical Directors and Managers
coordinate activities of technical departments, such as taping, editing, engineering, and maintenance, to produce radio or television programs.
Bachelor’s degree
Personality Match
Technical Products Sales Reps
sell goods for wholesalers or manufacturers where technical or scientific knowledge is required in such areas as biology, engineering, chemistry, and electronics, normally obtained from at least 2 years of postsecondary education.
Bachelor’s degree
Strong job growth
Personality Match
Technical Writers
write technical materials, such as equipment manuals, appendices, or operating and maintenance instructions. May assist in layout work.
Associate’s degree
Strong job growth
Telecom Engineering Specialists
design or configure voice, video, and data communications systems. Supervise installation and post-installation service and maintenance.
Bachelor’s degree
Strong job growth
High job satisfaction
Personality Match
Telecom Equipment Technicians
install, set up, rearrange, or remove switching, distribution, routing, and dialing equipment used in central offices or headends. Service or repair telephone, cable television, Internet, and other communications equipment on customers’ property. May install communications equipment or communications wiring in buildings.
No degree required
High job satisfaction
Telecom Technicians
install and repair telecommunications cable, including fiber optics.
No degree required
High job satisfaction
solicit donations or orders for goods or services over the telephone.
No degree required
Personality Match
Telephone Operators
provide information by accessing alphabetical, geographical, or other directories. Assist customers with special billing requests, such as charges to a third party and credits or refunds for incorrectly dialed numbers or bad connections. May handle emergency calls and assist children or people with physical disabilities to make telephone calls.
No degree required
Personality Match
receive and pay out money. Keep records of money and negotiable instruments involved in a financial institution’s various transactions.
No degree required
Personality Match
Terrazzo Workers and Finishers
apply a mixture of cement, sand, pigment, or marble chips to floors, stairways, and cabinet fixtures to fashion durable and decorative surfaces.
No degree required
Strong job growth
Personality Match
Textile Bleaching And Dyeing Machine Operators And Tenders
operate or tend machines to bleach, shrink, wash, dye, or finish textiles or synthetic or glass fibers.
No degree required
Personality Match
Textile Cutting Machine Setters, Operators And Tenders
set up, operate, or tend machines that cut textiles.
No degree required
Personality Match
Textile Knitting And Weaving Machine Setters, Operators And Tenders
set up, operate, or tend machines that knit, loop, weave, or draw in textiles.
No degree required
Personality Match
Textile Winding, Twisting and Drawing Out Machine Setters, Operators and Tenders
set up, operate, or tend machines that wind or twist textiles; or draw out and combine sliver, such as wool, hemp, or synthetic fibers. Includes slubber machine and drawing frame operators.
No degree required
Personality Match
Theatrical Makeup Artists
apply makeup to performers to reflect period, setting, and situation of their role.
Post-secondary certificate
High job satisfaction
Personality Match
Ticket Agents
make and confirm reservations for transportation or lodging, or sell transportation tickets. May check baggage and direct passengers to designated concourse, pier, or track; deliver tickets and contact individuals and groups to inform them of package tours; or provide tourists with travel or transportation information.
No degree required
High job satisfaction
Tile and Marble Setters
apply hard tile, stone, and comparable materials to walls, floors, ceilings, countertops, and roof decks.
No degree required
Strong job growth
Personality Match
Timing Device Assemblers And Adjusters
perform precision assembling, adjusting, or calibrating, within narrow tolerances, of timing devices such as digital clocks or timing devices with electrical or electronic components.
No degree required
Personality Match
Personality Match
Personality Match
Title Examiners and Searchers
search real estate records, examine titles, or summarize pertinent legal or insurance documents or details for a variety of purposes. May compile lists of mortgages, contracts, and other instruments pertaining to titles by searching public and private records for law firms, real estate agencies, or title insurance companies.
No degree required
Strong job growth
High job satisfaction
Personality Match
Tool and Die Makers
analyze specifications, lay out metal stock, set up and operate machine tools, and fit and assemble parts to make and repair dies, cutting tools, jigs, fixtures, gauges, and machinists’ hand tools.
Post-secondary certificate
Tool Grinders, Filers And Sharpeners
perform precision smoothing, sharpening, polishing, or grinding of metal objects.
No degree required
Personality Match
Tour Guides
escort individuals or groups on sightseeing tours or through places of interest, such as industrial establishments, public buildings, and art galleries.
No degree required
Toxicologists analyze samples in a laboratory setting to detect the presence of various toxins in people, animals, or the environment. Depending on the employer, they may also review the impact of the toxins.
Bachelor’s degree
Personality Match
Track Equipment Operators
lay, repair, and maintain track for standard or narrow-gauge railroad equipment used in regular railroad service or in plant yards, quarries, sand and gravel pits, and mines. Includes ballast cleaning machine operators and railroad bed tamping machine operators.
No degree required
Personality Match
Traffic Technicians
conduct field studies to determine traffic volume, speed, effectiveness of signals, adequacy of lighting, and other factors influencing traffic conditions, under direction of traffic engineer.
No degree required
Strong job growth
Training Managers
plan, direct, or coordinate the training and development activities and staff of an organization.
Bachelor’s degree
Strong job growth
High job satisfaction
Personality Match
Training Specialists
design or conduct work-related training and development programs to improve individual skills or organizational performance. May analyze organizational training needs or evaluate training effectiveness.
Bachelor’s degree
Strong job growth
High job satisfaction
Transit and Intercity Bus Drivers
drive bus or motor coach, including regular route operations, charters, and private carriage. May assist passengers with baggage. May collect fares or tickets.
No degree required
Strong job growth
Transit and Railroad Police
protect and police railroad and transit property, employees, or passengers.
Bachelor’s degree
High job satisfaction
Transporation Supervisors
directly supervise and coordinate activities of transportation and material-moving machine and vehicle operators and helpers.
No degree required
Strong job growth
High job satisfaction
Personality Match
Transportation Attendants
provide services to ensure the safety of passengers aboard ships, buses, trains, or within the station or terminal. Perform duties such as explaining the use of safety equipment, serving meals or beverages, or answering questions related to travel.
No degree required
Strong job growth
Transportation Electrical Technicians
install, adjust, or maintain mobile electronics communication equipment, including sound, sonar, security, navigation, and surveillance systems on trains, watercraft, or other mobile equipment.
Post-secondary certificate
Transportation Engineers
develop plans for surface transportation projects, according to established engineering standards and state or federal construction policy. Prepare designs, specifications, or estimates for transportation facilities. Plan modifications of existing streets, highways, or freeways to improve traffic flow.
Bachelor’s degree
Strong job growth
High job satisfaction
Transportation Equipment Painters
operate or tend painting machines to paint surfaces of transportation equipment, such as automobiles, buses, trucks, trains, boats, and airplanes. Includes painters in auto body repair facilities.
Post-secondary certificate
Strong job growth
Personality Match
Transportation Managers
plan, direct, or coordinate the transportation operations within an organization or the activities of organizations that provide transportation services.
Bachelor’s degree
High job satisfaction
Personality Match
Transportation Planners
prepare studies for proposed transportation projects. Gather, compile, and analyze data. Study the use and operation of transportation systems. Develop transportation models or simulations.
Bachelor’s degree
Personality Match
Transportation Security Screeners
conduct screening of passengers, baggage, or cargo to ensure compliance with Transportation Security Administration (TSA) regulations. May operate basic security equipment such as x-ray machines and hand wands at screening checkpoints.
No degree required
High job satisfaction
Personality Match
Travel Agents
plan and sell transportation and accommodations for customers. Determine destination, modes of transportation, travel dates, costs, and accommodations required. May also describe, plan, and arrange itineraries and sell tour packages. May assist in resolving clients’ travel problems.
Associate’s degree
Travel Guides
plan, organize, and conduct long-distance travel, tours, and expeditions for individuals and groups.
Associate’s degree
Travel Nurses
A Travel Nurse is a Registered Nurse (RN) who works on a contract basis to fulfill the staffing needs of hospitals and other healthcare facilities. They typically work short-term assignments for healthcare agencies.
Associate’s degree
Treasurers and Controllers
direct financial activities, such as planning, procurement, and investments for all or part of an organization.
Master’s degree
Strong job growth
High job satisfaction
Tree Trimmers and Pruners
using sophisticated climbing and rigging techniques, cut away dead or excess branches from trees or shrubs to maintain right-of-way for roads, sidewalks, or utilities, or to improve appearance, health, and value of tree. Prune or treat trees or shrubs using handsaws, hand pruners, clippers, and power pruners. Works off the ground in the tree canopy and may use truck-mounted lifts.
No degree required
Strong job growth
High job satisfaction
provide non-classroom, academic instruction to students on an individual or small-group basis for proactive or remedial purposes.
Bachelor’s degree
High job satisfaction