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1151 careers found.
Security Management Specialists
conduct security assessments for organizations, and design security systems and processes. May specialize in areas such as physical security, personnel security, and information security. May work in fields such as health care, banking, gaming, security engineering, or manufacturing.
Bachelor’s degree
High job satisfaction
Personality Match
Security Managers
direct an organization’s security functions, including physical security and safety of employees, facilities, and assets.
Bachelor’s degree
High job satisfaction
Personality Match
Segmental Pavers
lay out, cut, and place segmental paving units. Includes installers of bedding and restraining materials for the paving units.
No degree required
Strong job growth
Self-Enrichment Education Teachers
teach or instruct individuals or groups for the primary purpose of self-enrichment or recreation, rather than for an occupational objective, educational attainment, competition, or fitness.
Master’s degree
Strong job growth
High job satisfaction
SEM Strategists
employ search marketing tactics to increase visibility and engagement with content, products, or services in Internet-enabled devices or interfaces. Examine search query behaviors on general or specialty search engines or other Internet-based content. Analyze research, data, or technology to understand user intent and measure outcomes for ongoing optimization.
Bachelor’s degree
High job satisfaction
Personality Match
Semiconductor Processors
perform any or all of the following functions in the manufacture of electronic semiconductors: load semiconductor material into furnace; saw formed ingots into segments; load individual segment into crystal growing chamber and monitor controls; locate crystal axis in ingot using x-ray equipment and saw ingots into wafers; and clean, polish, and load wafers into series of special purpose furnaces, chemical baths, and equipment used to form circuitry and change conductive properties.
No degree required
Personality Match
Separating Machine Operators
set up, operate, or tend continuous flow or vat-type equipment; filter presses; shaker screens; centrifuges; condenser tubes; precipitating, fermenting, or evaporating tanks; scrubbing towers; or batch stills. These machines extract, sort, or separate liquids, gases, or solids from other materials to recover a refined product. Includes dairy processing equipment operators.
No degree required
High job satisfaction
Personality Match
Septic Tank Servicers
clean and repair septic tanks, sewer lines, or drains. May patch walls and partitions of tank, replace damaged drain tile, or repair breaks in underground piping.
No degree required
Strong job growth
Set and Exhibit Designers
design special exhibits and sets for film, video, television, and theater productions. May study scripts, confer with directors, and conduct research to determine appropriate architectural styles.
Bachelor’s degree
High job satisfaction
Set Designers
Set Designers design the sets that are used for film, television, or theater productions. They communicate with the Director and other creative artists involved in the production to design a set that meets the needs of the script.
Personality Match
Sewing Machine Operators
operate or tend sewing machines to join, reinforce, decorate, or perform related sewing operations in the manufacture of garment or nongarment products.
No degree required
Personality Match
Personality Match
Sheet Metal Workers
fabricate, assemble, install, and repair sheet metal products and equipment, such as ducts, control boxes, drainpipes, and furnace casings. Work may involve any of the following: setting up and operating fabricating machines to cut, bend, and straighten sheet metal; shaping metal over anvils, blocks, or forms using hammer; operating soldering and welding equipment to join sheet metal parts; or inspecting, assembling, and smoothing seams and joints of burred surfaces. Includes sheet metal duct installers who install prefabricated sheet metal ducts used for heating, air conditioning, or other purposes.
No degree required
Strong job growth
Personality Match
Sheriffs and Deputy Sheriffs
enforce law and order in rural or unincorporated districts or serve legal processes of courts. May patrol courthouse, guard court or grand jury, or escort defendants.
No degree required
High job satisfaction
Ship and Boat Captains
command vessels in oceans, bays, lakes, rivers, or coastal waters.
Post-secondary certificate
Strong job growth
High job satisfaction
Ship Engineers
supervise and coordinate activities of crew engaged in operating and maintaining engines, boilers, deck machinery, and electrical, sanitary, and refrigeration equipment aboard ship.
Post-secondary certificate
Ship Pilots
command ships to steer them into and out of harbors, estuaries, straits, or sounds, or on rivers, lakes, or bays. Must be licensed by U.S. Coast Guard with limitations indicating class and tonnage of vessels for which license is valid and route and waters that may be piloted.
No degree required
Strong job growth
Ship, Boat and Barge Mates
supervise or coordinate activities of crew aboard ships, boats, barges, or dredges.
No degree required
Strong job growth
Shipping, Receiving and Traffic Clerks
verify and maintain records on incoming and outgoing shipments involving inventory. Duties include verifying and recording incoming merchandise or material and arranging for the transportation of products. May prepare items for shipment.
No degree required
Personality Match
Personality Match
Shoe And Leather Workers And Repairers
construct, decorate, or repair leather and leather-like products, such as luggage, shoes, and saddles. May use hand tools.
No degree required
Personality Match
Shoe Machine Operators And Tenders
operate or tend a variety of machines to join, decorate, reinforce, or finish shoes and shoe parts.
No degree required
Personality Match
Short Order Cooks
prepare and cook to order a variety of foods that require only a short preparation time. May take orders from customers and serve patrons at counters or tables.
No degree required
Personality Match
Signal and Track Switch Repairers
install, inspect, test, maintain, or repair electric gate crossings, signals, signal equipment, track switches, section lines, or intercommunications systems within a railroad system.
Associate’s degree
sing songs on stage, radio, television, or motion pictures.
Bachelor’s degree
High job satisfaction
Site Reliability Engineers
Site Reliability Engineers are responsible for developing and managing software systems, typically focusing on systems used for maintaining local or public websites. They also bridge the gap between software development and business operations.
Bachelor’s degree
Personality Match
Skincare Specialists
provide skincare treatments to face and body to enhance an individual’s appearance. Includes electrologists and laser hair removal specialists.
Post-secondary certificate
Strong job growth
High job satisfaction
Personality Match
Slaughterers And Meat Packers
perform nonroutine or precision functions involving the preparation of large portions of meat. Work may include specialized slaughtering tasks, cutting standard or premium cuts of meat for marketing, making sausage, or wrapping meats. Work typically occurs in slaughtering, meat packing, or wholesale establishments.
No degree required
Personality Match
Slot Supervisors
supervise and coordinate activities of slot department workers to provide service to patrons. Handle and settle complaints of players. Verify and pay off jackpots. Reset slot machines after payoffs. Make repairs or adjustments to slot machines or recommend removal of slot machines for repair. Report hazards and enforce safety rules.
No degree required
Personality Match
Social and Community Service Managers
plan, direct, or coordinate the activities of a social service program or community outreach organization. Oversee the program or organization’s budget and policies regarding participant involvement, program requirements, and benefits. Work may involve directing social workers, counselors, or probation officers.
Bachelor’s degree
Strong job growth
High job satisfaction
Personality Match
Social and Human Service Assistants
assist other social and human service providers in providing client services in a wide variety of fields, such as psychology, rehabilitation, or social work, including support for families. May assist clients in identifying and obtaining available benefits and social and community services. May assist social workers with developing, organizing, and conducting programs to prevent and resolve problems relevant to substance abuse, human relationships, rehabilitation, or dependent care.
Bachelor’s degree
Strong job growth
Social Media Managers
Social Media Managers are responsible for managing the overall social media presence for their employers or clients. They manage the release of new social media content and may respond to customer comments.
No degree required
Personality Match
Social Media Specialists
The primary responsibility of a social media specialist is maintaining social media accounts and attracting audiences, views, likes, and engagements. They help businesses get the positive attention that they need to compete in the world today.
Personality Match
Social Science Research Assistants
assist social scientists in laboratory, survey, and other social science research. May help prepare findings for publication and assist in laboratory analysis, quality control, or data management.
Bachelor’s degree
Strong job growth
Personality Match
Social Work Professors
teach courses in social work. Includes both teachers primarily engaged in teaching and those who do a combination of teaching and research.
Doctoral degree
Strong job growth
High job satisfaction
study human society and social behavior by examining the groups and social institutions that people form, as well as various social, religious, political, and business organizations. May study the behavior and interaction of groups, trace their origin and growth, and analyze the influence of group activities on individual members.
Doctoral degree
Strong job growth
High job satisfaction
Sociology Professors
teach courses in sociology. Includes both teachers primarily engaged in teaching and those who do a combination of teaching and research.
Doctoral degree
Strong job growth
High job satisfaction
SODA Counselors
advise and assist students and provide educational and vocational guidance services.
Master’s degree
Strong job growth
High job satisfaction
Personality Match
Software Developers
research, design, develop, and test operating systems-level software, compilers, and network distribution software for medical, industrial, military, communications, aerospace, business, scientific, and general computing applications. Set operational specifications and formulate and analyze software requirements. May design embedded systems software. Apply principles and techniques of computer science, engineering, and mathematical analysis.
Bachelor’s degree
Strong job growth
High job satisfaction
Personality Match
Software Engineering Managers
Software Engineering Managers are responsible for managing the design and development of software applications. They manage the daily activities of team members working on a project.
Master’s degree
Personality Match
Software Testers
Software testers are responsible for testing the quality of software during development. To evaluate the software, they may create automated or manual tests.
Bachelor’s degree
Personality Match
Soil and Plant Scientists
conduct research in breeding, physiology, production, yield, and management of crops and agricultural plants or trees, shrubs, and nursery stock, their growth in soils, and control of pests; or study the chemical, physical, biological, and mineralogical composition of soils as they relate to plant or crop growth. May classify and map soils and investigate effects of alternative practices on soil and crop productivity.
Doctoral degree
Soil and Water Conservationists
plan or develop coordinated practices for soil erosion control, soil or water conservation, or sound land use.
Bachelor’s degree
Solar Energy Installation Managers
direct work crews installing residential or commercial solar photovoltaic or thermal systems.
Post-secondary certificate
Strong job growth
Solar Energy Systems Engineers
perform site-specific engineering analysis or evaluation of energy efficiency and solar projects involving residential, commercial, or industrial customers. Design solar domestic hot water and space heating systems for new and existing structures, applying knowledge of structural energy requirements, local climates, solar technology, and thermodynamics.
Bachelor’s degree
High job satisfaction
Personality Match
Solar Hot Water Installers
install or repair solar energy systems designed to collect, store, and circulate solar-heated water for residential, commercial or industrial use.
No degree required
Strong job growth
Solar PV Installers
assemble, install, or maintain solar photovoltaic (PV) systems on roofs or other structures in compliance with site assessment and schematics. May include measuring, cutting, assembling, and bolting structural framing and solar modules. May perform minor electrical work such as current checks.
No degree required
Strong job growth
Solar Sales Reps
contact new or existing customers to determine their solar equipment needs, suggest systems or equipment, or estimate costs.
Associate’s degree
Strong job growth
Personality Match