Funeral Event Planner – Willis Turner, CAE

Stan T.

Day in the life of
Funeral Event Planner – Willis Turner, CAE

Willis Turner, CAE
Funeral Event Planner
Virtual Memorial Gatherings

My first task at the beginning of the day is to check my calendar for appointments, review the client details and prepare for each appointment. Since our company provides virtual services, all of my appointments with clients are by telephone or Zoom video call.

Setting up to live stream a funeral

Setting up to live stream a funeral

Some of my time is spent with prospective clients as we provide a complimentary consultation first to see if our services are a good fit for their needs.

Once a client has booked an event with us I spend time assisting them with putting together the details of the virtual memorial or funeral service.

A lot of time is spent asking questions and listening to the client to help them create an event that is special and meaningful to them. A lot of attention is spent reviewing and confirming all of the details, so it is important to make detailed notes and have a good sense of project management.

Project management is very important aspect of my job and takes up a good portion of my day. I review the project files for each client and follow up with other team members on the status of tasks, manage due dates and confirm details with clients.

Sourcing new vendors or contacting existing vendors to build and maintain relationships is important. I rely on many 3rd parties for services such as videographers, venues, translators and more to help meet the needs of our clients.

Office setup for virtual meetings and conducting virtual memorials

Office setup for virtual meetings and conducting virtual memorials


No two events are exactly alike, so I can develop a general template for the event framework, every event needs to be created from a blank canvas. That makes the work very interesting.


One of the downsides of funeral planning is that you are exposed to a lot of grief and it is hard to separate yourself from it. The gratification that comes from helping people when they are at their most vulnerable and being a comfort to them is extremely rewarding.

Willis Turner, CAE
Funeral Event Planner
Virtual Memorial Gatherings

Funeral Service Managers

plan, direct, or coordinate the services or resources of funeral homes. Includes activities such as determining prices for services or merchandise and managing the facilities of funeral homes.

Salary: $91530
Salary Rank: A
Education: Associate's degree
Becoming One: Medium
Job Satisfaction: Very High
Job Growth: High
Suitable Personality: The Leader