What Do Traffic Technicians Do (including Their Typical Day At Work)

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Job Description, Daily Responsibilities, and Work Life

Traffic Technicians

Traffic Technicians conduct field studies to determine traffic volume, speed, effectiveness of signals, adequacy of lighting, and other factors influencing traffic conditions, under direction of traffic engineer.

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Job Description

Job Description

Traffic Technicians conduct field studies to determine traffic volume, speed, effectiveness of signals, adequacy of lighting, and other factors influencing traffic conditions, under direction of traffic engineer. They also analyze data related to traffic flow, accident rates, or proposed development to determine the most efficient methods to expedite traffic flow.

Other tasks include:

  • Prepare work orders for repair, maintenance, or changes in traffic systems.
  • Plan, design, and improve components of traffic control systems to accommodate current or projected traffic and to increase usability and efficiency.
  • Compute time settings for traffic signals or speed restrictions, using standard formulas.
  • Prepare drawings of proposed signal installations or other control devices, using drafting instruments or computer-automated drafting equipment.
  • Study factors affecting traffic conditions, such as lighting or sign and marking visibility, to assess their effectiveness.
  • Gather and compile data from hand count sheets, machine count tapes, or radar speed checks and code data for computer input.

We asked Traffic Technicians how satisfied they are with their job. Here is what they said.

Job satisfaction


How meaningful is this job


60% of them said they were satisfied with their job and 50% said they find that their job makes the world a better place or helps to make someone else’s life better.

Typical Day At Work

On a daily basis, Traffic Technicians plan, design, and improve components of traffic control systems to accommodate current or projected traffic and to increase usability and efficiency. They prepare work orders for repair, maintenance, or changes in traffic systems.

A typical day for a Traffic Technician will also include:

  • Analyze data related to traffic flow, accident rates, or proposed development to determine the most efficient methods to expedite traffic flow.
  • Provide traffic information, such as road conditions, to the public.
  • Monitor street or utility projects for compliance to traffic control permit conditions.
  • Provide technical supervision regarding traffic control devices to other traffic technicians or laborers.
  • Interact with the public to answer traffic-related questions, respond to complaints or requests, or discuss traffic control ordinances, plans, policies, or procedures.

We asked some Traffic Technicians a few questions to find out what else does their work day look like. Here is what we found.

Do you have telephone conversations everyday in this job? 95% said yes
How important is it to work in a team in this job? 30% said very important
Do you have group discussions everyday in this job? 91% said yes
Do you talk or work with customers everyday in this job? 47% said yes
Do you have to deal with angry customers everyday in this job? 3% said yes
Do you have to make decisions everyday in this job? 31% said yes

Other responsibilities

Besides their typical day, Traffic Technicians also provide traffic information, such as road conditions, to the public. They may also study traffic delays by noting times of delays, the numbers of vehicles affected, and vehicle speed through the delay area.

On a weekly to monthly basis, Traffic Technicians Maintain or make minor adjustments or field repairs to equipment used in surveys, including the replacement of parts on traffic data gathering devices. They might also Lay out pavement markings for striping crews.

In addition, they Gather and compile data from hand count sheets, machine count tapes, or radar speed checks and code data for computer input.

Although specific duties may vary, many of them Review traffic control or barricade plans to issue permits for parades or other special events or for construction work that affects rights of way, providing assistance with plan preparation or revision, as necessary.

To some Traffic Technicians, it is also their responsibility to Time stoplights or other delays, using stopwatches.

Working life

Working hours

Standard 40 hour work week

Working schedule

Regular schedule like a 9 to 5

In a typical work week as a Traffic Technician, you can expect to work 40 hour work week.

Do Traffic Technicians work in an office-style work environment?

Every day


Do Traffic Technicians work outdoors?

Every day

Once a month

Is this right for me

Best personality for this career

The Builders and The Thinkers

People who are suitable for this job tends to like work activities that include practical, hands-on problems and solutions. They like working with plants, animals, and real-world materials like wood, tools, and machinery..

They also like working with ideas, and require an extensive amount of thinking. They like searching for facts and figuring out problems mentally.

You can read more about these career personality types here.

Learn more about Traffic Technicians

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