6 Things I Wish I Knew Before Working Overseas

So you’re about to graduate and you’re looking at jobs. You have spent the bulk of your life preparing, having been told your education will ensure a great job. So you send out your resume only to get callbacks from less than stellar employers in less than awesome positions.

This may sound bleak, but it’s not uncommon. Maybe it’s just time to think about hopping on a plane and working abroad. Keep that college resume ready, because there are a plethora of great reasons to work overseas and a lot of opportunity awaiting if you do.

working overseas

The Good

From the range of places, you’ll see to the money you could make to the friends you will find, reasons to get up and go abound. These are perhaps the most prominent rationale pulling millennials overseas.

Good money to be made (even if you aren’t in tech)

There are some really good jobs for college grads, but a lot of these are cloistered STEM field positions that you can’t get unless you studied something like computer science. If you’re like me and the 60+ percent of people who didn’t get a degree in STEM majors, you stand to make less and face greater competition. Unless you go abroad.

Demand in other countries for American-educated workers is high. Even if your degree is in the humanities, there are plenty of opportunities for career advancement. Furthermore, just by changing your geography, you expose yourself to types of professions you may not have considered before. There are plenty of unique, interesting jobs that expats are particularly well-suited to.

should i work overseas

You get to see the world and broaden your horizons

Travel is one of the best ways to grow as a person, but actually living in another country takes personal development to a whole new level. You aren’t just worried about hotel reservations and tour schedules – you need to live among people from a different culture and navigate daily life from a vastly different perspective.

Furthermore, you are bound to make friends and develop contacts and networks. These new relationships could be the key to landing an even better job or starting your own business. Living abroad helps you grow your social and professional network on an international scale.

The cost of living is lower overseas

At this point you might argue, “but jobs in other countries pay less, so why should I go?” And in most cases, you’d be right – oftentimes jobs overseas do pay less. However, living expenses are also significantly less.

The cost of living usually offsets the lower salaries offered, and expat workers have been able to save large sums of money in short timeframes. Others have used this relative surplus of cash to pay off loans or simply live well where they are. However, if you want to spend your money, you will probably have more latitude with it than you would back home.

should i be an expat

The Bad

Unfortunately, there are some push factors driving millennials to consider moving overseas. Anemic economies, lack of opportunity and flexibility, as well as outright boredom are driving people to search for better options abroad.

The job market isn’t that great

Technically speaking, the “Great Recession” is now in the past. Still, if it doesn’t feel that way, that’s probably because for most people it isn’t true. By some important metrics, the American unemployment rate is actually close to 10 percent. And if that number is high for Americans in general, it’s even worse for young college grads at a nominal rate of 12.5 percent.

Even if you do land a job, is it what you want to be doing every day? Is it in the field you studied in? Many of the jobs that are available in the recovering economy are either part-time or just won’t help launch you into the career of your dreams. Well-meaning friends and family might recommend putting together an internship resume and taking an unpaid position, but evidence suggests that route is a bad idea. So what can be done? A good way to circumvent the situation is to work overseas.

travelling and working

The Ugly

This could be hard to hear, but even more than the high cost of living and large unemployment rate, there are certain circumstances that make moving overseas a hugely attractive option.

You’re more in-demand somewhere else

We have all been told how unique and special we are from a young age, but the truth is, on paper you look a whole lot like the next guy. Obviously, you are unique and interesting, but in the cold, hard world of the job market, that just isn’t very significant to hiring managers.

However, in another country you are special. You’re different. You’re intrepid. You’re an outsider. You have an American education. You have skills and attributes that make you desirable in plenty of positions. True, those differences can be a double-edged sword, but in terms of finding something fulfilling to do, it becomes less of an uphill battle.

moving and working overseas

It isn’t going to get better

Ready for the big dose of medicine? The days of a house with two cars and a guaranteed pension on a single salary are over. For a range of reasons, but largely due to a globalizing world and more developed economies, your money won’t carry you as far as it did your parents. From here on out, it will be harder to buy a house, get credit, pay off debt, and work your way to the upper-echelons of the corporate world. Your best chance for living the kind of life you want is realizing the kind of odds millennials face.

Living abroad, however, works to address this dim forecast. Globalization is a two-way street. Jobs might be moving to developing countries, so why shouldn’t you? Our generation might not live the same way our parents and grandparents did, but in some ways, we are more free and cosmopolitan than anyone expected.

About The Author

Adam Hatch

Adam Hatch is a career adviser and hiring manager at resumegenius.com. Adam strives to provide the most useful advice to hard-working people from all walks of life. When he’s not helping people get the best job possible, he is likely reading or exploring.

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